Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Westside ! PK!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:24 pm  

I had a fun day today!

K and I went to Westside Baptist Church.

Great to be back in our church. Ashley dropped Penelope at our house to watch her for the day. Never too much sweet P!
It was Senior Appreciation day. I’m so stupid I thought he was going to say something nice about the old folks.
Pastor preached Jesus. Focus on the priorities.

We came home and Kathy walked to the park with Penelope. They swang in swings and played in the sand.

I took a nap during these festivities. A 2 hour nap! I’m still having some issues with jetlag. Went to sleep about 8:30pm. Actually, more like fell asleep. Jesse came over to see us last night. I kept nodding off. Woke up at 5:30am. I’m getting there.

I drove to the park to hang out with the girls and then bring them home. It’s about 1.3 miles to the park. That’s pretty far to push a stroller, especially with our hills!

Ashley and Miles had fun at the lake with one of their friends. It’s good for kids to get away and not have to worry about the baby. You pretty much have to just focus on P when you’re with her unless she’s asleep. She’s and incredibly active baby and getting more mobile literally every day. She has tremendous leg and arm strength.

Looking forward to watching shows with K. She’s resting now.

Admin duties.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Podcast! Field Notes! Treasures! Flowers!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:19 am  

Saturday morning I had fun: RECORDING!
It was great to get my tape deck and yell at it for a while. This is a terrific episode on getting started and how you need COURAGE! Just click on the title and groove!

Uploaded the episode to my server.
Put the link on Facebook.

Clouds were on the ground today! Super lush and moist atmosphere. Almost felt like Fall!
Did my vitamins for the next two weeks.

My pilgrimage to Israel wasn’t like most of my trips. It wasn’t as much a vacation as a two week intensive study time. I took a tour most days and recorded my field notes. Here are a few of my note cards.

Vacuumed the house. Helped with laundry.

Went to Hobby Lobby to pick up some small display cases for my Israeli treasures.
My favorites are my Herodian period 2,000 year old oil lamp and fragments of Roman glass from small pitchers.

I love to say Hobby Lobby. It’s my favorite store’s name. Now if only they were located in Abu Dhabi!

Also picked up rocks and pottery fragments in the desert and at the Garden Tomb.

Got some silk flowers that I’ll keep in the car until the next time I go to Bonaventure Cemetery to visit my grave site.

Enjoyed eating lunch with Kathy.

I decorated the South wall of my bedroom with some new posters I got in Israel.

Seems like almost all my plants are flowering. Happy Mr. Tim!