Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Girls! Friday 9.14.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:38 pm  

Friday, I continued to study the William Blake poem, “Jerusalem” along with the hymn of the same name. The song was used in the movie, “Chariots of Fire” which provided the movie title. Blake also illustrated many of his poems.

I love learning!

Hurricane Florence smashed into the Carolinas today.

Studied Spanish/Swahili. It’s a way of life.

Also a way of life for me.


GREAT to have the girls spend the night!

We took them to the pool at Stone Mountain.
And to the “Doggie Park,” off of Five Forks Trickum.

I focused on Everly. Kathy had great bonding time with Penelope.

They love the slides.

Beautiful moon Friday night.

Lovely clouds.

Love my girls!

My goal is to wear them out having fun!

I didn’t sleep very well last night. Kept waking up to check to make sure Everly was ok.
Didn’t do my admin duties. Tried to go to sleep early, without much success. Poor little
Penelope was coughing. Glad we gave her some medicine. After about an hour and a half she got quiet. Prayed a lot for her.
The girls are SUCH a blessing!

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Podcast! Bike! Mission! 9.13.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:38 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning. It’s all about consistency!

Recorded my 600th episode of Verbal Surgery this morning called “Hurry CAN!” Exiting stuff to continue to produce material that changes people’s lives! According to one of my listeners, I actually saved his life last week. Powerful to hear testimony like that.

I’m still working on memorizing the William Blake poem “Jerusalem” as well as the hymn to that title.

Not sure if you’ve watched the film “Chariots of Fire,” but the title of the movie as well as the song is featured in it.

Did the grocery shopping.

Went for a 7.02 mile bike ride this afternoon before going to the mission. Trying to work on some more routes. This one is up a very long hill.

Took a shower, then headed to the mission.

Stopped at the bank to deposit checks. Amen!

Ashley helped one of the moms at the mission with her computer. She was giving advice on some learning games for her daughter.

Always great to be with the girls!

Tomorrow, I will be watching both girls for the first time over night. I’m looking forward to it! Pray that they will feel well and be confident. That’ll be the longest time ever for Everly to be away from Mama!

I’ve enjoyed working with Adit over the years. He’s one of my favorites!

It’s fun listening to Ashley tell the Bible story.

I rode my bike another 10.76 miles when I got home. 17.78 miles in all.

Not sure what the weather holds with the hurricane on the way. Figured I’d better get as much time in as I can! Verbal Surgery and biking are my two major forms of therapy. Both make me feel GOOD!

Not sure if you can see this, but it’s a cat which has climbed a tree and using the bird bath to drink out of. Bizarre on many levels.

Just released Verbal Surgery -593- “Sneaky Tweak.”

Easy ways to change how you feel and what you can do, especially for weight loss!

Uploaded the episode to my server. This is the first time from my Mac!

Link on Facebook.

I usually release new episodes on Tuesday and Friday, but not sure how my day will be with the girls here!

I also added “Hurry CAN” to the list of my episodes “in the can.” I am a full month ahead. Unbelievable how much I love to listen to myself talk.

With this much material recorded, I will now start focusing on Live shots and video versions of the episodes. I had great fun with these last Spring.

Did a lot of calculations this evening on exactly how far my different routes are and how much time they take me to ride. It’s fairly complicated but important if I want to ride and still get home before it gets dark.

Not sure what these flowers are, but they smell like honeysuckle. Lovely.

Admin duties now.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Perimeter! iPhones! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:10 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning. Brain power!

I met up with our friends Daivon, Preston and Chloe from Perimeter today. Ashley brought the girls. Always a blessing to see them, although Penelope has a runny nose and was pretty cranky. Eventually, Ashley took them on home and I finished the briefing with the Perimeter crew.

Special holiday for Ganesha starts today.

They’ve added a new blue backdrop.

They were interested in seeing Asian Square, so I also took them on Safari to that location. Cobras in a jar is always an eyebrow raiser!

Went to check on the girls. They were doing better, so I took them with me to the Apple Store to get Kathy and Jesse’s iPhones worked on.

Took HOURS! Finally, Jesse’s battery got replaced, but sadly, Kathy’s said they couldn’t work on because it looked like the phone had suffered water damage. It still works fine. Glad to say that! I’ll have to pay full price to have some third party do a battery swap out. Everything just takes time.

We thought we’d be back by about 4:15. It was nearly 6pm before we finally made it to the mission. Things happen. We’ll make sure the kids get all their stuff done tomorrow. Usually, everything is due on Friday.

While we were waiting for the batteries to get worked on, we went around the corner to Goodwill to check out clothes and toys for the girls. Always fun!

Went for a short bike ride. Got home too late to do much more.

I usually go twice that time. Always beautiful!

Fixed a drawer in our refrigerator. Hard to repair thin plastic.

Pray for our friends on the East Coast. Florence looks like a monster.

Admin duties now.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Blake! Anthony! Carl! Mission! Bike! 9.11.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:00 pm  

I was up at 4:30 am this morning. Sometimes my brain just wants to go and go. Studied William Blake. Looking forward to memorizing the verse and the song Jerusalem. Beautiful.

These are some Blake quotes that I will also memorize.

I love his use of language!
Had a fun talk with my mate Anthony Jacquin this morning when I was up so early. They are five hours ahead of us here in the States. Also made the decision to go to Burning Man in 2019. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for years. I’m making solid plans now. I hope that Anthony can go, but it’s hard for him to make it since travel has to be from the UK.

Added another book to my reading list. I have about four books going right now.

I read it years ago during Baylor days.
Studied Spanish. Didn’t have time to get into Swahili. I was already short on sleep.

Had a great time with my friend Carl Barrington today. I really enjoy his company.

Interesting bumper stickers.

Not sure what this means.

Had a fun time with the kids at the mission.

Ashley did a very creative Bible story today!

Went by the FBC Doraville to drop off some drums I got at Goodwill for the Golden Box of Jams, and to pick up checks for the ministry. Thank you, Lord!

Rode my bike 8.81 miles. Always right up against it getting dark.

Gorgeous skies!

Released Verbal Surgery -591- “Numbers Don’t Count!”
Click on the title and GROOVE!
Link on Facebook.

With the release of the newest episode, it marks the transition from having the podcasts on my PC to moving the material over to the Mac. I am a full month ahead with episodes “in the can” ready to release! Astonishing how much I love hearing myself talk. My goal is two recordings a week. I’ve been averaging three to four over the last three weeks. It’s my main therapy and helps me clarify my thinking.

Admin duties now.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Podcast! Groceries! Mission! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:07 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili. Every day, just a little more!

Got more fruit and groceries at Walmart. Didn’t use my bags today.K said she needed some plastic bags for the small trash cans.

Great talk with my best friend Anthony Jacquin in the UK today. Always a blessing.
Had a good time with the kids at the mission! Taught a lot of math today. One of my favorite subjects.

The girls had fun creating a train.

I guess these were the deluxe accommodations.

Never too many William Blake poems. Perhaps my favorite poet.

Working on Spanish verbs.

Had a 8.81 mile bike ride this evening. Glad I have lights on my bike now.

Fantastic clouds.

Cleaned my water bowls and added food for the raccoons and possums.

Admin duties now.

I found this interesting.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Westside! Kathy! Jesse!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:38 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning. Surprised?

Went to Westside this morning.

Played djembe and sang with the choir
Pastor Ben spoke on the importance of caring for people.

Ate lunch with Kathy, then went to the pool to hang out together. Fun!

Came home to rest. I was really tired. Didn’t sleep long enough last night.

After my nap, I went to see Meg with Jesse. A fun movie! About half way through it I got a message from a friend of mine in Ireland who was having suicidal thoughts. Ran outside and talked him down. He said I saved his life. I sure was glad that I had my phone off the normal “Do not disturb” setting! Normally, I just call people back when they leave a message.

Thank you Jesus, for helping him!

Added material to my Twitter feed.

Watered my flowers.

Still tired. Will go to sleep soon.

Admin duties now.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Bike! Girls! 9.8.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:59 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili! Cada dia!

The reason I study every day!

Went for a 22.35 mile bike ride. Took slightly over 2.5 hours.

Always beautiful.

I see this and wonder how he did it. Big jump.

Had nearly 1″ of rain yesterday. Made the sidewalk damp in areas and the ride very humid.

The girls were both asleep when Ashley and Miles brought them over around 5:30pm.

Penelope slept for nearly three hours!
Everly woke up about ten minutes after she was dropped off. We had good bonding time. She’s a pure delight.

I pretty much used every strategy I knew to keep her happy. Overall, I was pretty successful!

Penelope is so awesome. It was great to spend a whole day with her yesterday. She’s really getting tight with Kathy which fills me with great joy.

Everly can be a challenge when she wants her mama. That’s why I feel so happy when she’s happy.

She seemed better when her sister was awake.
They are both such a blessing to me.

I worked on adding material to my Twitter feed.

Admin duties now.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Sp/Sw! Podcast! Girls! 9.7.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:21 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili! Every day, a little better!

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -590- “Negativity Sux!”
You attitude determines how you will do in life! Be positivly positive! Click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Enjoyed lunch with Jesse and the girls!

Kathy and I had fun with Penelope and Everly at the park at Stone Mountain and took them swimming. Good times!

Saw this interesting notice today about iPhones.

First time in 18 days that I did not ride my bike! Was dressed out and ready to go and it started raining. Ok to have a rest day I reckon!

Admin duties now.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Podcast! Penelope! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:30 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning. Making progress every day!

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery! My best therapy! “Gift Wrap” is my present to YOU!

Spent most of the day with my beloved Penelope! Don’t get no better!

They resurfaced the road coming into our house today. Finally! It’s been torn up for about a week now.

Penelope and I had fun at the pools at Evergreen. What a gorgeous place! Then went to the park near our house for some fun. SO grateful to Ashley for sharing her with us!

The road looked better when we got home!

Went for a 10.97 mile bike ride this afternoon.

Loved the clouds!

Astonishing things going on in the White House these day. Lord, help us!

Admin duties now.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Podcast! Awards! Mission! Bike! 9.5.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:19 pm  

This morning I read an article on how much exercise we need to be getting every week. I read 150 minutes which translates to 2.5 hours a week. That figure was verified for moderate exercise and only 1.25 hours a week of really strenuous exercise. Very interesting.

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning. I finally made it through the conditional tense in Swahili. The hardest I’ve encountered so far, in particular because the English answers often sounded really weird.

I only have seven more categories to finish the first level of Swahili.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Improvement Movement.” It’s a good one!

Enjoyed lunch with my girls! They were fascinated by the chopsticks.

Even Ashley got into the game!

After lunch, we dropped off our Whirlwind Awards to restaurants and apartment complexes. The folks seemed to really like them!

Don’t see these very often.

After we’d delivered a bunch of them, we went to White Windmill for a treat. Sadly, they didn’t have any chocolate bread.

Then to the mission to work with the kids!

Everly enjoyed the straw that sounded like a whistle.

I liked her drawing.

Penelope didn’t like Wendy’s drawing of her.

Today the audio version of Story Tim is official released on Audible! Hallelujah! Soon it will be out on Amazon and iTunes. When that happens, I can official mark the project as “complete.”

Went for a 7.69 mile bike ride. I got through about 6 miles and I felt some sprinkles. The sky also looked menacing. Although the weather apps I have didn’t call for rain, I decided it was best to go with my gut reaction to what might happen.

I didn’t rain, but I got poured down on a few days ago when I didn’t listen to my intuition about it.

Admin duties now.

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