Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Bike! KKK! 8.25.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:29 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili. Kila siku!

I decided to make an ID card for when I bike, just in case. I carry it with me now.

I just now realized I left it in my short pants that I was washing! Got it out. My homemade lamination seemed to have worked!
Close examination of the gutters look good!

Went for a 16.32 mile bike ride this morning and early afternoon.

Always something beautiful to see.

I saw a Georgia Thrasher come running out of the bushes and try and cross the road and got clobbered by a car. Ran back off the road and into these bushes. Hope he’s ok.

Went to see Spike Lee’s new movie, BlackkKlansman. Crazy. Strong movie.

On the way back home, I went to Lowe’s to pick up some supplies, including new extensions for the gutters to get the water away from the house.

Gassed up my car.

Rode my bike another 6.86 miles this evening.
Over 23 miles today. Personal record for me this week for distance. Over 85 miles since last Sunday. Wow.
Watered my plants.

Admin duties now.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Podcast! Girls! Bike! 8.24.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:18 pm  

Studied Spanish/Swahili this morning. Every day a little more knowledge!

Release Verbal Surgery -586- “REcreation!”

Find the NEW YOU with this fabYOUlous edition, and feel good, NOW!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

My construction crew came over to hang the new gutters. They look good!

They should work a LOT better!

They fabricate the gutters with this machine.

Enjoyed having Penelope and Everly spend the day with us. We took them to Walmart for some new shoes.

We had fun with the big masks.

Then to the park.

Went for a long bike ride.

I always stop at the Yellow River.

Beautiful clouds.

Admin duties now.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Podcast! Daivon! Asian Tour! Awards! Mission! ACX! Yard! 8.23.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:10 pm  

Studied Spanish/Swahili this morning. Por que no?

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Numbers Don’t Count!”

How do we measure ourselves? Do those numbers we use make us feel bad or good? This episode will release in about two weeks. I’m way ahead with a lot of material “in the can.”

The girls and I met up with our friend Daivon from Perimeter Church today! We took him on Safari to China Town and Asian Square.

After Daivon left, we went to the Dollar Tree to pick up supplies, including frames for our Best Of awards!

The owners got a big kick out of them!

Went to the mission to help the kids.

The carpenter came back today to paint the boards he put up. I was impressed that he got the correct color!

Lots of chewed up boards in the trash for tomorrow.

Cut the back yard this evening. I had done most of it last week. What was left was pretty deep. I kept expecting to run over a snake, although I figured most of the snakes could feel that lawnmower a long way away. At least that’s what I kept telling myself!

I mowed the section pretty quickly. I’m quite strong between lifting weights every day and riding my bike a lot!

Then I took my mitre saw to get rid of the sprouting shrubs.

Looks better!

I’m letting some of the wild flowering plants grow.

They have beautiful deep blue flowers in the spring.
Nearly a quarter mile of heavy pushing.

I got word from ACX that my audio production of Story Tim–Adventure Land is good to go!

Should be released on Audible soon!
I did some research and I’ve sold about fifty copies of the Kindle and Paperback version of the book. Seems like a lot since most people never read books! I’ll continue to promote it over time, especially the audio version!

Admin duties now.

I’m glad I’m no longer tied down!

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

SP/SW! Podcast! FBCD! Bike! ACX! 8.22.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:31 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning. It’s a way of life!

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Negativity Sux.” Powerful stuff.

Went to FBC Doraville to meet up with my friend Austin Andrews.

We were supposed to talk about bringing a team soon and plans for next summer. His truck broke down and that wasn’t possible. Too bad.

Also Penelope was throwing up so Miles came home to help take care of her. Ashley didn’t want any kids around when Penelope might be contagious, so we didn’t do the mission today. Missed seeing the girls and the kids!

Carpenter came back to my house to replace boards. Sadly, he forgot to paint the boards before he left. That’s not zesty. Can’t put gutters up on unprimed wood. Stupid.

Came home to do a long 19.32 mile bike ride, since I had some extra time.

I did some intermittant measurements. I have a long loop that is this far.

Two more short loops is this far.

I always enjoy crossing the Yellow River.

Every time I cross that river I think of an old joke we used to tell in elementary school. It’s the title of a book. “Yellow River” by I.P. Freely. I didn’t say it was particularly funny. Just memorable. Who would have ever thought I’d live by Yellow River?
I counted six hummingbirds this evening! How my heart leaped for joy at that! No wonder my feeders keep getting emptied. I’m pretty sure I filled them Sunday!

I also got some new bee guards.

They’ve stopped those monster bees from scaring off the hummingbirds. Still shocks me to think about that.
Noticed some mushrooms growing in the front yard.

I got more information from the Help Desk at ACX. They are the company that handles the files for Audible. I was able to move up the new file with the Dedication/Copywrite and Introduction to it’s proper location. HOPEFULLY, everything will be ok now and the audio book will be up for sale! AMEN!

They’ll send me a notice one way or the other soon.

Admin duties now.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Podcast! Gutters! Mission! Bike! 8.21.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:28 pm  

Studied Spanish/Swahili! Always learning.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -585- “Rougheree!”
How would you act if you knew you would be penalized if you said something mean? Find out! Click on the title and feel good, NOW!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook!

My gutter guys came today. They are both Spanish pastors! Had a great conversation with them completely in Spanish. They were impressed. Honestly, so was I. All this studying has really improved my fluency. When they took off the old gutters, we could see where the squirrels had chewed through the boards. Glad I’ve gotten rid of so many of them.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery this morning called, “MEsearch.” Know yourself and find happiness!

Had a good lunch with Jesse. Always a blessing.

Went to the Dollar Tree to pick up a few items for our house and the mission. The kids have really enjoyed the Playdough and bubbles. I saw this advertisement. It reminded me of me.

I liked the sound of this. Although the solution isn’t very good.

To the church to check on the mail.

Then to the mission to help the kids with their homework. I spent a lot of time doing craft stuff with the kids with no work. At the end, I did a lot of math with Yair and Christopher.

Stayed late, so the traffic wasn’t horrible coming home.

Went for a 8.77 mile bike ride. Just barely got home before it poured rain. Scary to cut it so close.

Beautiful clouds!

Admin duties now.

The new poem I’m working on.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Podcast! Tweets! Groceries! Bike! Mission! 8.20.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:01 pm  

Edited the video for the outreach on Sunday at Westside. Got it on line and shared it with our Associate Pastor to share at church.

Played Battlefront 2 and practiced generating Theta brain waves.

Got a new weather app. Cool!

Studied SP/SW this morning. Always learning!

Corresponded with ACX to get the audio version of my book Story Tim on Audible. One small glitch to fix and everything else is perfect!

Recorded a new podcast! Always fun for me. It’s my therapy! This one is called “Light Fight!” Examine your beliefs! It’ll release in a week.

Set dates for my trip to Texas in the fall. Looking forward to seeing friends and supporters!

Added my tweets (aka my sermon notes!) to my Twitter feed.

Went to the Walmart to pick up some fruit and vegetables.

Had a 8.83 mile bike ride. Fun!

Saw two interesting Polypores.

Went by FBC Doraville to pick up checks for our ministry.

Went to the mission to work with the kids.

The girls had fun jumping from the little slide.

Penelope had fun with markers on her tongue.

Terrible traffic on the way home. Decided to eat in Chamblee rather than just sit in the car. I ate and still got home about the same time!

Admin duties now.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Westside! HOPE! 8.19.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:08 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning.

Big holiday for my Muslim friends today.

Went to Westside BC this morning.

This afternoon the HOPE team shared the Gospel with our community in Snellville. My main job was getting the word out at Walmart encouraging people to come. We had a great crowd!

Kathy was part of the team this afternoon.

We had over 19 people accept Jesus as their personal saviour today. Amen!

Came home and cleaned and refilled all my hummingbird feeders.

Went for a 4.74 mile bike ride. It was getting dark so I cut my ride short.

Edited the video that I shot of the team this afternoon. Posted it on YouTube and sent the link to the video and photo gallery to John Weldon, our Associate Pastor at Westside.
Admin duties now.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

N. Gwinnett! Global Mall! Al Madina! 8.18.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:37 pm  

Ashley and I had fun briefing our team from N. Gwinnett BC this morning!

Red Thread Ceremony.

On Safari to Global Mall.

Ashiana for lunch.

Shiv Mandir.

Than Al Madina!

Came back to FBC Doraville to strike the set and get the Fellowship Hall ready for church tomorrow.

Poured down rain right afterwards. Missions got rained out. Hate that.
Came home to work on admin duties.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Podcast! Girls! 8.17.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:15 pm  

Recorded a new podcast this morning. WOOT! “WOW Power!” is awesome!

Studied Spanish/Swahili.

Watched the girls this afternoon. Always fun!

We were planning on taking them swimming, but on the way to the pool we had a terrific thunderstorm and went back home. Bahd luck.

Beautiful moon this evening.

Gassed up the car. Wanted to be ready to go. Tomorrow morning we have a team.

Penelope was stretching this little ant and it broke. Glued it back together. I’m sure she’ll be happy about that.

Had a fun dinner with Kathy at Pizza Cafe.
Admin duties now.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Podcast! Groceries! Bank! Mission! Bike! 8.16.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:34 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning!

Recorded a new podcast! “REcreation” is awesome!

Went to the bank to get my new credit card activated and linked to my debit card. If there’s a lack of funds issue in the future, it just puts in $100 from my credit card. Easy.

Deposited a team check while I was there.

Went to Walmart for groceries.

I can’t resist these tiny orchids for $6.99. Such beauty! I have 11 orchids now. Next to the carniverous plants, they’re my favorites. I have a large orchid that has had flowers for at least four months! What?!

Talked to my insurance guys about possibly replacing my roof.

Bottom line, it’s not leaking, so why file a claim? Especially when there’s no real damage. Just the roofer’s opinion.

I uploaded two files to Audible for the audio version of Story Tim. My audio engineer separated the Title file from the Copyright, Dedication and Introduction files. Hopefully in a week or so, the book will be live on Audible! WOOT!

Checked on the mail at FBC Doraville. Had some checks come in. AMEN!

Took those to the bank and deposited them.

Went to the mission to help the kids with their homework.

Got a new fan. Kind of hot. Especially with a lot of kids going in and out.

Girls had fun playing like they were on TV.

Went by the Buford Highway Farmers Market to get a few things for Ashley.

My gardenia plant had some lovely blooms that I brought inside. Yummy smell.

I normally release new episodes of Verbal Surgery on Tuesday/Friday. Went ahead and posted it this evening. Uploaded to my server.

Verbal Surgery -584-“Favor Flavors” is delicious! Learn how reciprocity works to your advantage and feel good, NOW! Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Link on Facebook.

I normally put the hair that I cut off for the birds to use in their nests. Today, I noticed they had put it in the bird bath. Still not sure why. I put it back on the ground.

Cleaned and refilled my four hummingbird feeders. They’re thirsty little guys!

These very large bees have been drinking from the feeders. I have some new bee guards on the way from Amazon to prevent this. I bet they could give me a hell of a sting. They’re about double the size of a honey bee. They actually chase off the hummingbirds! I’ve never seen anything like it.

Did some research on another Indian food restaurant for a team this Saturday!

Ashiana ended up giving us a better deal since we bring in so many people.
Went for a 12.82 mile bike ride. Good times!

Beautiful sunset.

I hate the idea of the time change when it gets dark so early. I’ll probably have to start biking in the morning. Shouldn’t be too hard. We’ve started the after school program earlier now so it’s easier to get home and ride now.
Admin duties now.

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