Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Podcast! Penelope! Girls!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:02 pm  

Added new tweets to my Twitter feed.

I uploaded a new edition of Verbal Surgery -579- “Buckle Up!.”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

What we think keeps us safe or free from failure, might be the very thing that is holding us back!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Studied Spanish and Swahili.

Penelope spent the night Monday.

Took her to the park Tuesday morning. She enjoyed the chocolate milk.

Went to Chamblee to meet up with Ashley and Everly. Went to Goodwill to pick up some supplies for the show. This hat will work in well.

Got our insurance payment in the maill.

Whole year will be covered.
Went by the Atlanta Metro Baptist Association to pick up our newsletters.

We got the other newsletters in the mail. I still have a few to get ready for tomorrow.
POURED down rain on the way home.

Admin duties now.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Penelope! Newsletters! 7.30.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:12 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning.

Updated archive information. I miswrote a couple of the months on the newsletters. Corrected for the archive.

Went for a 15.41 mile bike ride.

Always something beautiful to see.

Good exercise!

Went to the Post Office to pick up stamps.

Came home to get the newsletters folded and stuffed.

We were short about 40 copies and needed the new prayer cards for some of them. Hopefully, we’ll get that squared away tomorrow.
Enjoyed having Penelope spend the afternoon and the evening with us.

She’s so much fun!
I took her on my errands. Got the completed newsletters in the mail and released squirrel #42. We had icecream on the way.

Then to the park for exercise.

Such an angel!

We went to the pond by the park and looked at turtles and birds.

To McDonalds for supper. I enjoyed their Southwestern Salad. No meat!

Had fun at Stone Mountain pool. Can you believe she stacked all these by herself? Had to get a chair for her towards the end.

It’s always my goal to wear her out. Mission accomplished.
She’s sleeping beside me as I type this.

I uploaded new material to my twitter feed.

Admin duties now.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Westside! Labels! Bike! 7.29.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:12 pm  

I appreciated Kathy mowing the front yard yesterday! First time I’ve had help in twenty years!

I’m airing out and repairing a couple of the dresses that Ashley uses for The Show.

There were about five seams that were coming apart on the red dress.

The new Chic-fil-a is coming along!

Went to Westside BC this morning!

We had people come up and help sing today.

Kathy sang in the women’s choir. She sounded good!

Studied Spanish and Swahili.

Paid bills and deposited checks.

Hot summers make for high cooling bills. Worth it.

Cleaned my fish tank.

Cleaned and refilled my hummingbird feeders.

We are working on getting the newsletter archive up to date on our website. Jesse was missing some of the newsletters.

I took this picture of Ashley from back in the early 90’s. I sent it to Ashley and asked her to ask Penelope who it is. She said, “Um, me!”

Worked on getting the newsletter labels started.

Still need to get the newsletter copies, stamps and more of the new prayer cards to enclose. I’ll take care of that tomorrow, hopefully. Don’t have control over when the copies get made, although Joel Harrison is pretty quick about getting that done.
Went for a 4.80 mile bike ride. I waited a little too late to get started. Had a lot of jobs I got done.

Beautiful clouds.

I love these super high level stratocumulus clouds.

Admin duties now.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Girls! Penelope! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:51 pm  

Got up early Friday morning to edit the three videos for our final teams of the Summer.

Uploaded each of the videos to YouTube.

For my final videos, I figured out a way to help me edit more effectively. I made a quick shot of a note card with the name of the team on it before I shot the video. Made it super simple to figure out which team was which video. Some are easy, because they have matching shirts. A lot are harder because I edit everything on my iPhone 7+ which has pretty tiny images of each clip.

Rode my bike 17.56 miles.

Ashley brought the girls over around lunch time. We went to the pool at Stone Mountain to swim. Everly mostly napped during the pool time.

It was great to watch Penelope and Kathy interact. K loves the water and P!

Ashley picked up Everly after riding the horses, then we took Penelope to the park to play. She’s completely intrepid.

We flat wore her out! Amen! She and I crashed around 10pm.

Then back at it Saturday morning!
We went to Stone Mountain to play on their playground. It has excellent shade trees!

Most of the stuff was built for older kids, but she still likes to try!

After the playground, we took her swimming again for about an hour. I mostly rested and caught some rays. Took her over to the other grandparents to play! I loved the Kendall’s hibiscus. Reminds me of Kenya.

Watered my plants.

Had supper with Kathy and Jesse. Always a blessing.

Went for a 10.77 mile bike ride this evening. Almost rode too far. Getting pretty dark. I have lights on my bike.

Beautiful clouds.

Added over thirty people to our mailing list. I went through all the cards that were turned in during the Summer. I add the adults that come with the team to see if they’ll become regular supporters of our ministry. Out of that many, hopefully at least four will stay on the mailing list. I leave them on there till about March, if they still haven’t given they drop off.
Lot of work to go through all the cards and collate the information.

I added over a hundred people on our email newsletter list until we hit the maximum of 2,000. I don’t think it’s work it to pay to add more than that. Mailchimp lets us do that many for free.
I wrote the newsletter for this month. It’s about turning 60! So all the pictures are pretty much of me! Woot!

Promoting my book, Story Tim!

Also did the labels for our newsletter and sent the PDF to our friend Joel Harrison to print for us.

Admin duties now.

I still need to work on putting the labels on the envelopes.
Jesse is also helping us get all the newsletters onto our website. There are some of the issues that he’s missing. I have to track those down.
Audible should give us the word that my book is ready to download soon. They said about two weeks. It’s that long today. Hopefully, there are no problems with it. I hired an audio engineer to tweak it, so I think it should be fine.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

D-Day! Plaza Fiesta!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:02 pm  

Enjoyed playing Battlefront 2 and practicing with Muse tracking Theta waves last night!

Kathy helped me mow the yard this morning. Go get ’em, Tiger!

Ashley and I had a great time with our teams this morning!

Golden Egg of Eggcellence!


Senor Tim showing the oddities!

I like my new shirt!

Everly practicing her mic technique.

The Sublime Blue Mariachi Hat fits her well!

The Gold Baton! “It’s up to ME!”

Signing the Landing Pad.

Over 4,000 signatures!
I let Penelope sign today!

On Safari to Plaza Fiesta!

Deposited money into the bank! AMEN!

Struck the set for The Show. Cleaned up.

Checked on the teams and gave them a final hug and “See you next year!”

Hard to believe the Summer Teams are over! Time for school to start!
Admin duties now.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Teams! Global Mall! Al Madina!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:24 pm  

Finally. Some practical knowledge.

Just keep going. . .

Incredibly cool for the end of July.

Had a great time with the teams. Penelope is really getting into the singing. Praising Adonai.

Rabbi Tim.

Fashion show!

Everly rocking the mic.

Red Thread Ceremony.

On Safari to Global Mall.

Shiv Mandir!

Al Madina.

To the missions!

Took a series of pictures to promote my new book, Story Tim!

Admin duties now.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Podcast! Teams! Asian Safari! Missions! 7.24.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:57 pm  

Released a new version of Verbal Surgery -577- “Super Normal!”
Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Be all that you can be with this superior version of Verbal Surgery! Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Studied Spanish and Swahili.

They are tearing down the Chicfila near my house and building a new one.

Incredibly cool for the end of July!

My friends in Austin, TX had 113 degrees yesterday!

Had a great time with the teams!

Sign of the times!

Lunch at Penang!

Penelope likes the Cobra in a Jar!

Asian Square safari!

China Town!

I bought the kids icecream as a treat.

My lil’partner liked that!

Then to the missions.

Came home to work on admin duties.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Powell! Milledge! New Home!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:59 pm  

Sunday evening I reviewed some of my Bible verses that I quote every morning.

Practiced generating Theta brain waves while playing games.

I studied Spanish and Swahili this morning.

Ashley and I had a fun time briefing our teams from Alabama, Tennessee and Athens, GA!

Great group today!

Took them on Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

Went to Alliance Bus service to pick up one of the buses that was having a problem. Nearby the airport.

Big tires on the way back!

Then to the missions!

Came home and released squirrel #41 to the forest 5 miles from our house.

Beautiful clouds.

Nice moon shot!

Gassed up my car. Price has dropped nearly .20. Excellent.

My camera was having issues today. Put a fresh battery in, seemed to be better. I’ll try it again tomorrow. One of the reasons I love the Canon Elph 360 is because it is so fast. Today, it was extremely sluggish. Not acceptable! Here’s a couple of the shots I took with the new battery.

One of my shirts that I like have button holes too big. I sewed them shut tonight. Sick of them coming undone. I usually don’t unbutton them, I just slip the shirt over my head like a tshirt.

Admin duties now.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Bike Marathon! 7.22.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:57 pm  

Worked on the email list last night. Went over 1,000 subscribers.

I doubt I’ll add many more because the email program we use, MailChimp, starts to make us pay around $30/month. Or even more! We haven’t been able to monetize that list, so I don’t think it’s worth it.

I’ll still collect snail mail addresses and add all the adults on the team who come to work with us to our list. At least for a few months. We have about 1/10 ratio of people that decide to help us financially.

Woke up to a beautifully cool morning. The temperature was in the low 70s! Kathy hadn’t slept well so decided to rest. I rode only a short time yesterday so decided to push myself to today and see just how far I could ride.

I decided to shoot for a Marathon distance 26.2 miles. Even on a bike that’s a LONG way!

So cool and beautiful. Lots of lovely smells in the air. Reached my goal and was properly tired out. My final distance was 28.28 miles. Wow! Not bad for a 60 year old!

Rode almost exactly 3.5 hours. That’s a long time on the bike. I kept thinking what it must be like to ride in the Tour de France! I drank over 3 liters of water.

Always something beautiful to see.

You can tell when we’ve had heavy rains. Yellow river turns brown.

My arms got a little sunburned.

Studied Spanish and Swahili.

Got home after my ride and rested.
Enjoyed playing Battlefront 2 and using the Muse to practice generating Theta waves. I seem to do much better while playing games than just with my eyes closed using the more traditional meditation methods.
Admin duties now.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Plants! JK! Camera! Bike! 7.21.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:53 pm  

I thought this Logical Fallacies chart was interesting!

Dropped off the Financial Report that Ashley does at our treasurer’s house. Got to talk to Jon Paul this morning. His wife isn’t doing very well, and his daughter Melissa was in a near-fatal car wreck! Glad she’s ok although she’s pretty banged up.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Scars and Stars.” Good one!

Met up with Kathy and Jesse for lunch. Always fun!

Got more musical instruments: clapping hands! Everyone is in the band at The Show!

I thought this car was cool!

Got the groceries at Walmart. Interesting sign.

I like using my grocery bags. I feel green.

Rained a little over 1″ early this morning. Powerful thunderstorms. Had another big storm this afternoon. Barely made it back from my bike ride before it poured down. Even had some pea sized hail.

Cleaned and refilled my hummingbird feeders. I’ve just been putting out two. Went back to putting out all four, although just three are shown in this picture.

I love the little birds!

Also put out more suet. I had flying squirrels last night. I just saw them a moment ago this evening, too. I think relocating 40 squirrels has opened up the area to them.

I scrape suet on the bottom of the trees for birds and animals that don’t like to climb.

Birdseed for the finches. Most animals also like the sunflower seeds.

A species of tiny white mushrooms likes these pinecones.

Cleaned off my carpet outside.

The fascia continues to bloom. What a blessing my plants are to me!

Cleaned out my St. Francis garden. I like him.

Studied Spanish and Swahili this afternoon.

Transferred my new podcast from my recorder to my computer. I’m still two weeks ahead. I like that.

My twitter feed is nearly two months ahead! I have a program that releases five tweets a day from 7-11pm.
Wrote my final emails to our three teams. Has the four photo galleries and link to the video I shoot of them plus a variet of promotional links.

I have hundreds of these team videos on my YouTube channel.

To say I am prolific is an understatement.
Since I had flying squirrels at my feeder, I hooked up my trail camera. It will shoot video of anything that trips the motion sensor.

I used to have it up all the time, but once I saw the animals that came around regularly, I didn’t need it any more and brought it back inside.

Watered my plants. My orchids give me such joy.

It’s been fun to see Jesse take an interest in plants. He has quite a garden as well. Most all of his have been grown from seeds or bulbs!
I love my plants.

It’s been fun to have the plants along with my rock and porcelain collection.

I keep almost all my succulents inside now. They really take a beating from the animals, especially the squirrels. And the heavy weather is also hard on them.

I’m fascinated by the carniverous plants. The pitcher plants are exquisite.

The fertilizer has really helped the African Violets to bloom. I’ve been to forests in Kenya where these grew naturally.

Infinite variety of cacti.

I also collect fossils and antique globes.

Went for a 4.81 mile bike ride. I would have loved to gone further, but barely beat the rain home.

Powerful clouds!

Broke 1,000 people on my email list from the teams. This represents only a couple of years worth. I also add the adults to the newsletter list for about four months. If they don’t give, they drop from that list. They can always read the newsletter on line!

Admin duties now.

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