Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Podcast! Teams! Asian Square! China Town! Missions!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:24 pm  

Ashley and I enjoyed working with the teams today!

Lunch at Penang.

Took them on Safari to Asian Square and China Town.

Love my girls!

Deposited money. Thank you, Jesus!

Then to the missions!

Found three dollars in the Dirty Money Game!

Came home and wrote my request form for NAMB for the MSC program.

I released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -573-“Look Up!”

Just click on the title and GROOVE! What you watch affects you! Take care of yourself with this powerful edition of Verbal Surgery!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Went for a 6.80 mile bike ride.

Always something beautiful to see!

Looked like the cloud was missing the bottom. Weird.

Mixed up bubble solution for tomorrow.

Refilled my hummingbird feeders.

Also cleaned and refilled the bird baths. Put more food out for the birds and raccoons.

Contacted my audio engineer who’s working on the Audible version for Story Tim. Want to make sure that the credits are correct or I if I need to add something. I have Friday to make that happen.

I tried twice to beat 10 different levels of Duoling at the same time this morning. I’ll try again this evening.

Never seen this before. Ice in the urinal. What?

Monday, July 9, 2018

FBC Humble! Friendship! BHFM! Missions! 7.9.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:22 pm  

Ashley and I had a great time with our teams from Humble, TX and Litchfield, CT this morning!

Took them on Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

Then to the missions!

Got home after 8pm.
Uploaded pictures into the two galleries for the teams.
Memorized names of the team members.
Admin duties now.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Westside! Podcast! Bike! 7.8.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:21 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning.

Went to Westside BC this morning.

Pastor Ben spoke from James about doing your best and dealing with “STUFF.”

I like verse 17 in particular.

Transported and released squirrel #39.

Recorded a new podcast! Great one called “Darkest Light.”

I have six “in the can.” Right at my target goal of seven. I’ve been good using the mic and not getting too hoarse. So I’ve been able to record at least a couple every weekend.

Converted my sermon notes to tweets for Twitter. Uploaded about another 65.

Rode my bike 12.96 miles.

I only started Runkeeper when I was a little over half way through my ride. The mileage came from the exact same ride from August of last year!
I love crossing the bridge at the Yellow River.

Perfect weather. Astonishingly cool today.
Saw two raccoons at my feeders tonight. What a blessing.
I received my cover for the Audible version of my book Story Tim. Had a couple of small revisions he needs to make. Haven’t heard from my audio engineer yet.
Admin duties now. Big team tomorrow. Going to sleep early.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Podcast! Pre-Birthday! Ant Man! Audio book! 7.7.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:43 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning.

Recorded a new podcast! Astonishing how much I love to hear myself talk! It’s called “Super Normal!” Should release in about two weeks.

Had a pre-Birthday party today! Had family members come to celebrate!

After the party, I went by two apartment complexes to remind them that we are sending teams their direction next week.

I set out some new crow decoys.

I’m not sure the crows like them. One of their heads got pecked on.

I worked on the audio version of my book Story Tim this morning. I hired a guy to do the cover art for the Audible version and also an audio engineer to tweak the sound files.

I didn’t have the equipment nor the expertise to make sure they were correct for ACX which is the publishing arm of Audible. I have an international team from Sri Lanka and Venezuela!

Enjoyed seeing Ant Man and The Wasp with Jesse! Fun movie!

Watered my plants.

I thought this was appropriate. Georgia now has a mandatory hands free law.

Admin duties now.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Podcast! Girls! Graphics/Audio! 7.6.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:31 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili about 4:30 am. Woke up. Decided to do something productive.

My book is on the way to me!

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -572- “NOk.”

Just click on the title and GROOVE! Find out your ethical lines in the sand and DO something! Feel good, NOW!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

The crowd waiting for the release of Story Tim as covered by CNN. Lol.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Different Difference.”

We kept the girls for a few hours today. Always a blessing.

Deposited two reimbursement checks. This will enable me to zero out my credit card debt again. Amen.

Rather than try to figure out how to convert my Kindle cover to ACX for Audible, I decided to work with Fiverr, which is an internet based freelance worker system.

I’ll have them work on the cover as well as tweak the sound files to make sure the tech parts are up to speed for Audible.
Admin duties now.
Editing video and uploading for my team last week.
Will answer some questions from my graphics guy this evening as well.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Pelham! Global Mall! Al Madina!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:45 am  

Wednesday evening I did a study on Japanese folk songs related to crows. The things I find interesting!

Shhhh. The soft release of my new book Story Tim is out! Kindle and paperback editions are now available! This has been a massive project that has taken me over eight months to complete. Still working on getting the audio version available.

It’s been raining nearly every day.

Set up my garden in the morning before I went to work with the teams.

Ashley and I always have a great time on our DDay–Dedication Day! FBC Pelham has been a wonderful group.

Rabbi mode!

Everly exploring the set.

Fashion show!

Girls having fun.

She’s ready to sign the Landing Pad.

“It’s up to ME” with the golden baton.

The “I will pray for” card to Jesus.

Anointing with oil.

Signing the Landing Pad.

On safari to Global Mall.


Shiv Mandir.

Al Madina.

Set up more chairs for The Show for next week.

Cleaned up and took out the trash.

To the missions to check on the teams.

Said my goodbyes then went to four more missions to give them the news that there would be a team there soon!

One of the managers wasn’t there.
Corrected one of the donor’s addresses on our list.
Dropped off the Financial Report to our Treasurer.

I bought some crow decoys to see how the crows would react.

Next week is my 60th birthday and the release of my new book Story Tim! This is my favorite birthday card from years ago.

Trapped and released squirrel #38.

Set out my game trail camera specifically to watch the crows.

Took the night off and worked on admin duties on Friday morning.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Pelham! Plaza Fiesta! 4th!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:28 pm  

Ashley and I had fun briefing the team from Pelham, GA this morning on Mexican Catholicism.

We enjoyed our singing! “Launch yourself!”

Snake oil salesman.

It’s always fun!

Doctor Tim.

Red Thread Ceremony.

Then to Plaza Fiesta!

How did Mexico lose if they had Baby Jesus playing for them?


Transported squirrel #36 to the forest 5 miles from my house.

Cleaned and refilled hummingbird feeders.

Set the squirrel trap. I usually stop transporting once the bird seed feeders stay full for a day or so. The squirrels will empty them in a few hours.

Admin duties now.
Very exciting to get my book on line! It’s a soft opening. Just to make sure everything is working. The official release is on my birthday, July 12th.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018


Tim A. Cummins @ 9:20 pm  

Monday night I worked on paying bills.

Also Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -571- “Mountain Bottom.”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Tuesday morning studied Spanish and Swahili.

Bills in the mail. I hope to completely pay off my credit card bill this month.

I had it paid off and then added nearly two grand for tooth repairs.

Ashley and I had fun briefing our team from Pelham, GA about Hinduism and Buddhism.

Raja Tim.

Professor Ashley.

China Tim.

Little sweetheart.

Like Mama, like daughters.

Lunch at Penang.

Miles was in the area!

She loves her Daddy! So sweet.

Safari to Asian Square.

Calligraphy at China Town.

Serenity Garden at China Town.

Ashley’s eyes were really bothering her today. After we got the teams sorted out, we went to Alpharetta to see an ophthamalogist. She had extremely dry eyes and just needed some special eye drops. She has to be extra careful to not fall asleep in her contacts and to really clean the containers perfectly. GLAD she’s ok!

The girls were asleep in the car while Ashley went in to see the doctor. I kept the car running with the AC on so they had a nice nap. I studied Swahili some more.

Also did research on what the best shampoos were for getting out tangles. I’ll try this one next.

Deposited checks for Whirlwind.

Dropped off a check for my Treasurer to sign.

Transported squirrel #35 this evening.
Plan on working on the cover for the paperback version of my book this evening. Not sure if it will work of if I need to get a higher definition for the photo.
Admin duties now.


Monday, July 2, 2018

Pelham! BHFM! Missions! Book! Podcast! 7.2.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:51 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning.

More progress in Swahili.

Mileage report.

Ashley, the girls and I enjoyed briefing our team from FBC Pelham, AL.

Took them on safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

Always tasty.

Then to the missions!

Ashley had a problem with one of her eyes. I sent her home early to take some allergy medicine and eyedrops and rest.

Just released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -571- “Mountain Bottom.”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Link on Facebook.

Got a couple of new headshots for the cover of my paperback version of Story Tim. Not sure if my camera will shoot it in high enough definition.

Helped my friend Fred Sorrells to get some new equipment for his iPhone.

Never seen this before.

I’ve seen this van a couple of times.

Fantastic clouds.

Gassed up my car. Sudden jump in gas prices.

Transported squirrel #34 to the forest this evening. That’s five in three days.

Will work on seeing if the pictures will work for the book cover, otherwise figure out a Plan B.

Sunday, July 1, 2018


Tim A. Cummins @ 9:35 pm  

Saturday evening I continued to format the heading for each chapter title. Also added heaaders for page numbers.

My work area.

Studied Spanish and Swahili.

Trasported Squirrels #32 & #33 today.

See the irony? Feeders and traps.

Over a 1/2″ of rain yesterday.

After I took the picture, I cleaned it out.
I recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery. Always fun. It’s called “Birth Mirth.”

I have five episodes in the can. That’s two and a half week’s worth. I need eight to finish off all of July.

I decided to release a paperback version of Story Tim. Even been formatting the book into a 6″ x 9″ framework.
Added numbers to each chapter in the Contents page.

Centered, bold and 14pt font for titles and chapter numbers.

It’s not hard to do, but I had to do every change 69 times. Stay focused and take your time. Get in a rhythm. Figure out faster ways.
I got the paperback version uploaded to Amazon!

I’m going to take some pictures tomorrow for the cover.
Enjoyed playing Battlefront 2 with Muse.
Admin duties now.

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