Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, October 14, 2018

NoZe! Westside! Bike! Bananas! 10.14.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:39 pm  

Did research on the NoZe Brotherhood last night. I was trying to figure out what the derivation of the phrase “kekoemuckitymuck” came from. I wrote a post to the other Exiles (former Brotherz) about it. Got some interesting information including some pdfs of yearbooks of our old Brothers when it was the NOSE brotherhood.

I’m looking forward to going to ComeHoming this year at Baylor and seeing the guys.
Went to Westside BC this morning.

Cool enough to wear the map jacket!
Our church youth group is growing.

I enjoy playing djembe and singing in the choir. John has done a good job.

We have a new project at church. Hard to get people to come.

I’m putting time in memorizing the Hebrew version of 1 Chronicles 29:10-13. I enjoy praising the Lord in Hebrew. Makes me feel like I’m doing something special for the Father.

Came home to rest.

Then rode my bike 19.11 miles.

I go through all my memory verses. I’ve also memorized several poems. Takes about 25 minutes to quote everything. It’s a lot.
I worked on Hebrew for probably around an hour. I like to ride and quote it out loud. Sometimes really loud!

I like to imagine I’m David praising the Lord in front of the Israelites. The Father tells me my accent is a little off, but he likes my passion!

I always stop at the Yellow River bridge. The water is quite a bit higher since a few days ago.

On my way there, I saw a family walking with fishing poles. When I was on my way back from my loop, I saw them in the water.

After I studied Hebrew, I listened to an internet broadcast of one of the main radio stations in Spain, and another one in Meru, Kenya. Radio Garden is one of my new favorite apps.

Came home to clean and refill my bird feeders. I still have some hummingbirds, but most of them have left. I pretty much keep them up the whole year. Drastic optimism.

There is a house on my bike ride that has a beautiful banana tree. I decided I wanted to grow some, too! Ordered four little plants from Amazon. Got them last night. Went by Lowes to get potting soil and pots.

Got them in the soil today.

Watered all my indoor garden.

Studied languages this evening.

I’ve expanded my regimen with a Spanish verb list using Quizlet.

I am also practicing my Hebrew writing again using Write It!

There are SO many great learning tools on the web! Almost all of them are free or just a couple of dollars. Well worth it.
I added my sermon notes to my Twitter feed.

Admin duties now.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Shiloh! 10.13.18 Venom!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:21 pm  

Woke up early to study Hebrew.

Also worked on Spanish.

Ashley and I had fun briefing the team from Shiloh Baptist Church this morning.

Took them on Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

Always something interesting to see.

Sweet baby!

We got the team on site and Ashley and I struck the set.

They did a great job at the mission!

They did a wonderful version of the story of Jonah.

Fun day!

Got my baby banana plants in today. Looking forward to putting them into pots tomorrow.

Stitched up my shoulder bag. I don’t carry it around as much as I used to.

My 40th time to see the International Space Station this evening!

Jesse and I saw the new Venom movie this afternoon. We liked it!

Working on admin duties now and editing the video I shot.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Tommy and Ben! Set up! 10.12.10

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:16 pm  

It rained a little over 2.5 inches yesterday.

Cleaned off all the pine stray from the carpet outside my door.

Met with up with our friends Ben Birdsong and Tommy at Al Madina to eat lunch on the start of our Safari.

Kathy was a big help to me watching Penelope while I talked and showed the men around.

Great to see my girls together!

After lunch, I took them by Halal Pizza and the shopping center with a lot of African stuff. Then to the new mosque in Clarkston.

Next stop was the BAPS Hindu temple.

Penelope liked the elephants. Although, I think she thought there would be a REAL elephant. She remembered it from Zoo Atlanta.

Then to the Kitab book store. Many interesting things there.

Tommy loves coffee. We hooked him up with some real Turkish goodies!

Never seen this before!

Said goodbye to my Birmingam, Alabama friends then went to the Dollar Store to pick up goodies for our team and the block party tomorrow!

Then to FBC Doraville to set up for The Show (light!). I don’t put up the curtains or the special spotlights for just a one day event. Goes from this.

To this.

Includes sound, screen, projector, chairs, big globe, music items, tables, fan, microphones and tables with covers. Takes about thirty minutes for me to do by myself.

Setting it up this afternoon means that I don’t have to get there early tomorrow. Less stressful and more sleep.

Also went by CD Tower to pick up some more Long Life papers. Got big stack of them. We handed out almost all that we had last Sunday at Peachtree Corners BC.

Took a while to get home. Kathy insisted on trying a different way without following Mr. Google. She tracked it and sure enough, her way took an extra 14 minutes sitting in traffic. Although I know a LOT of ways to get home only Mr. Google knows the fastest way. I just tried to be chill about it. She certainly had been patient with me!

Missed biking today. Would have been great. I enjoyed showing the guys around.

Studied Spanish and Swahili this evening. It’s a way of life.

Keep on keeping on.

Speaking of which, I released my 600th episode of Verbal Surgery yesterday. Wow!

Admin duties now.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Girls! Mission! 10.11.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:54 pm  

Studied, you guessed it!

Ashley brought the girls over for me to watch. Always a blessing!

I took them to eat at Krystals then we went over to the Doggie Park.

Little sister getting in on the action!

The clouds were extremely low today!

Girls had fun!

Came home to let them rest for a couple of hours, then to the mission to help the kids with their homework!

Gas took about a twenty cent jump last week!

I’ll be going out to spot the ISS in a little while!

Admin duties now.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Hebrew! Spanish and Swahili! Mission! Rain! 10.10.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:56 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning. Also working on the Hebrew for 1 Chronicles 29:10-13. Fun and challenging!

Here’s the Hebrew I’m working on.

I’ve been eating vegetable fried rice at American Deli a couple of times a week. It’s pretty much my favorite these days along with teriyaki sauce.

Duolingo is one of my very favorite apps. I’ve been using it to learn languages for about two years now. Last year, Duolingo went from 200 million to 300 million users according to this week’s Time magazine!

This is what I’m currently studying.

I listen to a couple of hours of Radio Garden from Spain today. Concentration!

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Mind Manners.” Good one!

Played some Spider-Man.

Went to the church to pick up some show and tell items for the group at Rockbridge Church this evening. Turned out it got cancelled because of the rain.

Helped the kids with their homework.

Two of these kids just started coming to the mission.

Went to the Buford Highway Farmers Market with Ashley and the girls to eat supper. We were planning to go on from there to church, but weather changed the plans. Still fun!

Love them!

Everly liked the little cart.

She’s such a little sweetheart!

Admin duties now.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Carl! Tire! Antiques! Mission! 10.9.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:38 pm  

Studied languages this morning. Focusing on Spanish and Swahili, although I’m also adding more words in Hebrew.

There is a YouTube channel of a lady from Israel who reads major texts in Hebrew word for word to get the pronunciation correct.

Had a great time with my friend Carl Barrington this afternoon. Can’t believe I forget to get a picture! He’s a major blessing to me.
After our time together, I went by an antique place in Snellville. Got a couple of nice pieces for a great price.
Love the Shakespeare mug.

And this planter is incredible.

Nice stack of checks in the mail today!

Got them into the bank asap!

Went by the Post Office to mail the package to Jouvens.

Helped the kids at the mission!

Dropped off some books to our storeroom at the church.

My car indicated a small leak in my tire. Sure enough, I found a nail.

Got it repaired today with my tire guys in Chamblee.
Had supper with J.

Admin duties now.

And just in case you wondered!

Monday, October 8, 2018

Podcast! Post Office! Bike! 10.8.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:41 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili. Glad to have an outlet for my knowledge with Radio Garden!

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery this morning called, “Mellow Drama.” It’s a good one!

Went to Walgreens to pick up some meds for K.

Went to K’s work to drop them off to her.

Went to the Post Office to try and mail a package to my friend Jouvens.

Even though the PO was closed, I thought that the automated section was open, which it was, but it didn’t work. I’ll do it tomorrow.

Ashley needs to take a CPR class. I noticed this sign for her. It’s something I probably need to take as well.

I dropped off my suit pants to the dry cleaners. They got a couple of spots on them yesterday.

Came home to rest. Played some Spider-man. Fun game.

Went for a 9.86 mile bike ride.

Beautiful clouds.

Getting dark earlier every day. I’m glad I invested in lights.

They blink fast.
Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -599- “Next Time.”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

I had misnumbered one of the episodes. I had two -593s-! Now there is a -592-.

Admin duties now.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Peachtree Corners! Kathy! Stone Mountain! 10.7.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:04 pm  

Early morning today to get to Peachtree Corners Baptist Church by 9am. Ashley and I spoke at two different Sunday school Classes.

The girls looked fantastic!

Fun to see Bennett!

After church, K and I ate out at Piccadilly, then came home. Nice to get a nap in.

Nice zipper clouds today!

Studied Spanish and Swahili.

Played some Spider-man, then went to Stone Mountain to hang out with K at the pool. gorgeous over there!

Ate pizza with Jesse. Saw our friends Mike and Martha there!

Watered my flowers.

Admin duties now.

The point!

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Swahili! Bike! 10.6.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:01 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili!

Rode my bike 21.33 miles.

I always love this spot on the bridge.

Beauty and scary!

I listened to Swahili radio for over two hours while I was riding.

Sorted my vitamins I don’t take quite as many as I used to.

Admin duties now

Friday, October 5, 2018

Girls! Pool! 10.5.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:25 pm  

Studied languages! Enjoying Radio Garden so I can listen to Swahili live!

Gassed up my car. It jumped .17 in one day.

Had fun with the girls at the pool and then playing checkers and chess!

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -598- “Gift Wrap!”

Power up with gifts!

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook!

Admin duties now.

Enjoying Spiderman!

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