Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Girls! Bike! Birds!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:47 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning.

Interestingly, I’m listening to a radio station in Nairobi, Kenya over a streaming radio service. Naweza kusikia Swahili sasa!

Cleaned and refilled my bird feeders.

The girls came over for a visit. Always a blessing!

Got the groceries.

Dropped off the financial report that Ashley puts together for our treasurer.

Rode my bike 13.47 miles this afternoon.

Admin duties now.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Girls! Plaza Fiesta! 10.3.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:54 pm  

Caught up on my admin duties early today by posting material to my blog and Facebook feeds.

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning. And every morning!

Ate lunch at the Buford Highway Farmers Market. Got some new stuff. The spicy tofu and the paneer were especially good.

Goodies for the girls. I liked the sound of this.

Took Penelope and Everly to Plaza Fiesta while Ashley worked on Admin duties.

The girls are always popular.


Remember this?

Big slides backwards!

We got back to Ashey’s house and moved her old bed into Penelope’s room. Wasn’t too hard.

Mission accomplished.
Ashley and I will be speaking at Peachtree Corners Baptist Church this Sunday morning. I went by FBC Doraville to pick up supplies for the event.

Our closet is jammed with stuff!

Got home pretty late and it’s getting dark earlier every day so I only managed a 4.74 mile bike ride this evening.

Beautiful clouds.

Admin duties now.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Mission! David Byrne! 10.2.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:04 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili on Tuesday! I’m catching up on my admin duties on Wednesday because of a late last night!

Helped the kids with their homework.

Yair’s art.


Went to the David Byrne concert at the Fox last night. Wow! What a show!

One of the most beautiful theaters in the world! I’ve seen Amy Grant, Cake and Neil Young there, too!

Tuneyards were the warm up band. They were ok.

A very interesting show with David Byrne who included many of his Talking Heads hits.

Lots of percussion.

Fun show!

I took Marta rather than drive downtown and try and park. Turned out to be a great plan. Close to the Fox and fast.

Still kind of tired this morning.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Bills! Bed! Mission 10.1.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:24 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili.

Sometimes it’s hard to get the answers correct because the English sounds so weird to me.

Kathy got her inheritance money. Amen! I was able to pay off our gutter and carpentry bills as well as our credit cards.

We also were able to get Ashley and Miles a new bed. Awesome! Penelope approved!

We got them the King size. It should help them get a LOT better night’s sleep.

Picked up the newsletters from our partners at the Atlanta Metro Baptist Association.

Our friend Joel Harrison is retiring at the end of the year. Pray that the new director will continue that ministry to us!

Picked up the mail from FBC Doraville.

Helped the kids at the mission.
Everly was playing peek a boo with me.

Always great to see the kids.

They helped us stuff the newsletters into the envelopes.

Everly enjoyed her banana. She didn’t want Ashley to help peel it a bit more.

After we finished helping the kids with their homework, I took the crib apart in Penelope’s room. Ashley will put her old mattress into P’s room.

Glad I had the right tool!

Put all the pieces into Ashley’s Jeep.

Then took it over to St. Vincent de Paul for someone else to use.

Got the newsletters into the mail.

Deposited checks.

Ate some spicy tofu at the Buford Highway Farmers Market before I came home.

Beautiful clouds on the way home.

Printed up my ticket to see David Byrne of the Talking Heads tomorrow night. One of my all time favorite artists!

Admin duties now.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Language! Rest! 9.30.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:38 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning.

Had a bad headache after my bike ride yesterday.
Went to sleep at 10 pm and slept nearly 12 hours. That’s something unusual for me!

Went for lunch with K.
Rested this afternoon.
Watered my indoor garden.

Cleaned my fish tank.

Admin duties now.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Cleaning! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:49 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili. Every day!

Vacuumed the house.

Cleaned the glass doors.

Used the broom to get the outside windows cleaner before getting the paper towels after them.

Blew the leaves off the driveway.

Total of .44 miles. Lots of standing and cleaning glass.

Then went for a 20.94 mile bike ride.

Can you spot the turtle?

Zoomed in.

Had about a .5″ of rain yesterday.

Cleaned the birdbaths.
Went to eat lunch at about 4pm.
Saw these gees blocking traffic on my way.

Been having fun learning how to play Spiderman on PS4.
Admin duties now.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Girls! 9.28.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:05 pm  

Studied Spanish/Swahili this morning. I’m working on the hardest of each language.

The girls came over to spend the day. What a giant blessing they are to me!

We had kind of rainy weather. Went to Goodwill to hang out. Always a chill place to have fun.

Kathy enjoyed it too!

Good times.

They liked playing on the couches. Goodwill didn’t seem to mind.

Penelope got a new coat. I think she’ll really enjoy it. Has a nice hood.

They enjoyed playing hide and seek in the women’s pants section.

Dapper hat!

Glad to see that the Senate decided to let the FBI look into the allegations of Dr. Ford. Seems like the right thing to do.
Admin duties now.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Podcast! Bike! Buddies! Mission! 9.27.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:44 pm  

Studied, you guessed it, Spanish and Swahili! Every day, just a little bit better.

Word order is still tricky sometimes.

There are only five categories left in Swahili. They are all hard, especially when the English sounds weird.

Recorded a new podcast! Always fun! I called this one “Size Wise!”
Spent over an hour calling old friends of mine from Baylor including Dave Reiner, Elmo Frickman, Dan Smith, Carl Craeplin, David Wiley, Jim Pirtle, Noubar Stone, Pat Young, Steven Stanton and Bill Sproull. I hope to see at least a few of them at Baylor on the first weekend of November.

Went for a 6.77 mile bike ride.

Listened to some of the Kavenaugh confirmation hearing. I don’t believe him at all.
Rainy day!

Checked the mail at the church.

Helped the kids at the mission.

Double blessing!

I liked Yair’s work.

Got gas. Kind of mad at myself. Meant to get it at the QT by my house where the gas is $2.52! Cost me a couple of dollars because of that mistake.

Took Kathy out for supper.
Admin duties now.
Beautiful Turkey Tail polypore mushrooms blooming on the stump near our garage.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Bike! Azalea! 9.26.18 Newsletter!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:02 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili.

Wrote and produced my newsletter.

Sent a copy to Joel Harrison to print for us.

Printed the labels.

Went for a 20.58 mile bike ride.

Always something beautiful and unusual to see.

Waves on water reflection.

Don’t see this every day!

Deposited checks into the bank. Thank you, Jesus!

Got lunch, then went to the Post Office.

Picked up some toys for Everly’s birthday. She’s 1!

Ashley has really enjoyed her new Jeep!

Fun to watch Everly play with her toys. Of course Penelope gets in on the act, too!

Helped the kids with their homework.

They helped us get the labels on the envelopes. I always buy them a treat after that.

Penelope always eats the chocolate off the top of the doughnut. She doesn’t like the rest of it!

Admin duties now.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Carl! Azalea! Bike! 9.25.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:52 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili.

Released Verbal Surgery -596- “I’mpossible!”

Just click on the title and GROOVE! What are your limits? Even YOU don’t know!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Had a great lunch with my friend Carl Barrington and his mom.

Picked up some groceries on the way home.

Always something interesting to see.

Cool hornet’s nest in my yard. It’s about the size of a basketball. The hornets are as big as my little finger.

Went by the church to pick up the mail.

Tried to deposit the checks at two separate banks, but they were working on the ATM machines and the one open had a huge line.
Helped the kids at the mission. Felt particularly rewarding because sometimes it takes hours for them to finally understand a concept.

Went for a 4.87 mile bike ride. It’s getting dark earlier and earlier!

Beautiful clouds.

I’ll probably work on my newsletter this evening.
Admin duties now

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