Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Grandgirls! Spanish! 1.14.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:48 pm  

I like this quote.

Mandatory masks on airplanes.

Stimulus package.



Love my girls!

Ordered groceries.

Vacuumed the house.

Studied Spanish.

Duolingo is rapidly adding to their Spanish course. Recently, they added another three sets of 25 lessons. Each lesson has five levels. Hundreds more! But they always start back at Level 1. So I’m working through some of them more rapidly. It really is a lot of fun to struggle just enough to make progress.

Went to Azalea to take the girls home. None of the mission kids have homework right now. School is out for MLK day.

Next stop to my office to check for mail. Watered and sprayed my ficus. We’ve been together a long time. I almost killed her once by leaving her outside during a cold snap. I’ll never take her outside again.

On the way home there was a 18 wheeler accident.

Beautiful lighting.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Grandgirls! Nail Salon! Mission! 1.13.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:47 pm  

Here’s a list of the consequences of Trump’s actions with the Capital riot.

Never heard of “freezing fog.”

Always great to see all my girls!

Got my W2 today. Step one.

We worked on writing Penelope’s name with upper and lower case letters. Plus her address.

We also pick one random page from our big book of exercises. She picked “Which one is shorter?”

I opened up Pop Pop’s Nail Salon today.

Studied Spanish.

Helped the kids at the mission. I go through the messages from the teachers to the parents so the kids can explain it to their moms and dads.

After we finished the homework, I took the girls to their friend’s house to play.

Went to my office to check the mail, process what came in and then deposit it at the bank.

Another old soldier goes to be with the Lord. She was helpful when we got married. Betty also supported our ministry financially.

Transported another squirrel. That’s six this week. Took this one to Azalea.

Gassed up the car. Checked and added oil.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Grandgirls! Mission! Bank! 1.12.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:21 pm  

Another cold day. It’s winter. What do you expect?

Great to see Ashley!

Penelope works a little every day.

Everly has such a fertile imagination. She’s definitely the more maternal of the two.

I liked this picture Penelope drew for me. Has a lot of energy.

We were playing with tape. My buddy, Anthony tapes his mouth shut at night to force nose breathing.

They like playing where they are a restaurant. Penelope and
I had a grand time using the blue tube as the intercom when I ordered. It was wonderful to see her deal with all the twists and turns I put in my order. Super funny.

Bird in a squirrel trap. He’s not heavy enough to spring the trap.

I thought this book was cute.

Studied Spanish.

Girls getting exercise. It was really muddy out there.

Penelope knocked Everly over by accident. She took a face plant right into the mud. Bahd luck. I took them both and got them straight into a warm bath. I scrubbed on their shoes and her sweater and put them in front of a fan.

It was cold for tutoring. May have been the record for holding it outside.

Checked the mail at my office.

Prepared all the checks for deposit and went to the bank.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Calls! Squirrel! 1.11.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:48 pm  

Enjoyed watching John Wick 3 and Tenet last night.

Such never before seen history in the making.

Weather expected this evening.

Studied Spanish.

Brain training.

I spent a couple of hours talking to friends. Paul in Nigeria, Chris in Minnesota and Anthony in the UK.

Did more research on Health Savings Accounts. I asked our health insurance agent if it was ok to just have one account that more than one person could use. Like “Cummins Family.”

This is the fifth squirrel I’ve caught in the last three days. Normally, I don’t catch any during the winter. I don’t even have to put the trap out. Last week, I saw four at one time. That alarmed me, especially when I see them eating from the bird feeders.
I drop them off in different locations.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Calls! Podcasts 1.9-10.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:54 pm  

More consequences for Trump.

Sat/Sun I studied Spanish and did my brain training.

Beautiful day Sunday.

I recorded and dubbed off two podcasts this weekend.

Had a fun chat with my Mom yesterday and Anthony today.


Light freeze on birdbath.

Transported one squirrel on Saturday and one today.

Big dog hanging almost outside the truck.

Friday, January 8, 2021

Grandgirls! Party! 1.8.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:22 pm  

More reporting on the riots in DC. What Trump might try, who knows?

FBI trying to track these hoodlums down.

Not great weather.

On our ride home, we greet animals we see in Swahili. Wasn’t sure the word for “monkey.”

We got an ice cream cake. Fun to have a party. We were celebrating Mom’s birthday.

Transported a squirrel.

Thai food for lunch.

Vacuumed the house.

Studied Spanish.

We had fun playing with Legos.

Different characters.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Capital! Grandgirls! Yard Work! Bubbles! 1.7.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:54 pm  

I was so sad and angry about the rioters at the Capital! What lunacy has Trump caused by his mendacity? Here are some of the best comments to help me to remember what happened.

Consequences for Trump.

Paid bills.

Beautiful sunrise.

Picked up the girls at Global Mall. We don’t go in any more.

Worked in my garden. Refilled all the feeders.

I have the trap out, but didn’t see many squirrels.

Refilled the bird baths.

Picked up a lot of sticks and put them in my compost area.

Cleaned out the St. Francis shrine.

I put a rubber band to keep this whirligig at the right pace on the wire.

Weather turned rainy.

Swept off carpet outside my door.

I’m very curious about lichens and mushrooms as well as insects. Wasn’t sure if this was another type of lichen or some kind of egg pod or what exactly. That’s why I love nature!

I’ve really gotten a lot of great use out of my Gorilla Cart. I use it all the time. It is so much better using that cart rather than carrying 50 lb bags of dog food or bird seed.

Everly helped me drag sticks.

One of the containers in my fridge broke. Cleaned off the old superglue and redid it.

I spray one side with a fixer or drying agent to make it get hard super fast.

I also superglued one of the wings of these solar light up things.

The girls and I had fun with bubbles.

I also made big bubbles. It was fantastic for them today. Very high humidity.

I called this “Winter swimming.” But it wasn’t very fun.

We cooked brownies.

Everly helped me so I let her choose licking the whisk or the bowl.

We went back to the mission soon after. She fell asleep right at the end of the ride.

She likes a racing game.

Studied Spanish.

Poured down rain. I went to check on a couple of the kids, but no-one was home.

When I realize I have something one of the girls will need the next day, I try and let Ashley know. Looking for shoes that don’t exist is a real bummer.

I stopped by my office to check the mail and to pick up nail polish for Everly.

I’ve improvised a solution to the crappy elbow rests in my car. From time to time I have to retape it to the door.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Election! Grandgirls! Hair Cuts! Azalea! 1.6.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:16 pm  

I had a fun chat with my buddy Michael Perez last night.

Beautiful day.

I was happy about these results.

I am deeply grieved by what Donald Trump has done to this country. The attempted coup today at the Capital building was an atrocity. He will become anathema for this.

I am glad to see the end of all this crap.

Picked up the girls at Global Mall.

Cooked pancakes.

On the way home, we saw a Sharp-Shinned Hawk close to the road. Great shots with my Canon Elph.

Ordered groceries.

I saw FOUR squirrels at my feeders today. Back to Trapper Tim. Sadly, I only caught a chipmunk. Let him go.

We did some school work and art.

This will be on us soon.

Studied Spanish.

Took the girls to Cookie Cutters for haircuts.

She likes being silly sometimes.

They are both so beautiful.

Helped the kids with their homework.

We were studying about the Constitution. Then all the activities at the capital really brought it home to me.

Practicing with scissors. It’s one of the first times she’s used them.

Good just to have free play time.

Sunflower. I think one of my best.


Went by my office to check the mail, endorse checks, take pictures of each of them and then deposit them at the bank.

Got my groceries.

I put everything away and realized, to my chagrin, that my 40 lb bag of bird seed was missing. Had to go back to Walmart to get it. It was a new girl that loaded my car. She not only forgot my bird seed, which as you can guess was BIG, she forgot another box of my stuff. So, it was a good thing that I went back!

Gassed up my car. Checked oil and cleaned windshield. Oil was a little low, but not enough to add some more.

I like seeing the food for the wildlife full and ready to go.

I enjoy watching the birds and the raccoons so much. Really does give me enormous pleasure.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Grandgirls! Doggie Park! Azalea! 1.5.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:46 pm  

Never too much Ashley!

Got home and worked on reading and writing.

Everly drew the family.

Penelope’s math. We’re starting from the beginning again for the new year.

Went to the Doggie Park. It’s actually the J.B. Williams park. Just learned that today.

I put batteries in these little LED candles that my friend gave the girls for Christmas.

Helped the kids with their homework. Most of them said it was easy and they’d already done it. Typical for the start of the semester.

I still kept plenty busy.

I saw my friend Eduardo at the mission. We had a good chat. He has a ten year old daughter! Wow, time really flies. I told his daughter that I worked with her daddy when he was her age.

Studied Spanish.

I brought my carnivorous plants inside. They are actually supposed to be freeze hardy, but I just don’t have the heart to leave them outside when it gets THAT cold. They need the change in daylight hours to go into a dormant phase.


Went by my office to check the mail. I opened all the envelopes, endorsed checks, took pictures of them all and added them so I could be ready to deposit them at the ATM.

Thank you, Lord.

I’ve had a subscription to Wired magazine for over 25 years.

Monday, January 4, 2021

Newsletters! Post Office! 1.4.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 2:58 pm  

These are two of the grandgirl’s favorite shows. Always nice to see something different!

I still like this. This was the #1 show in the year I was born.

Studied Spanish.

Brain Training.

Went to the International Village.

Checked on the mail and gave our newsletters to be copied to our secretary.

I brought lunch to Ashley and the girls from Taco Veloz. So good. We especially enjoyed the churros! Lots of cinnamon sugar!

We folded and stuffed the newsletters. The girls helped us tear off the sticky seal and close the envelopes.

Always glad to get that job done and in the mail.

I dropped the financial report that Ashley works on to our treasurer.

Full sun moon!

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