Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Podcast! Roof! 10.10.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:13 pm  



Otra dia!

We’ve had really big spider webs in the yard this year.

My buddy Anthony reminded me of this song by Nancy Sinatra.

The grandgirls and I have been listening to this one.

Had a good talk with my Mom today.


Trimmed and painted Kathy’s toe nails.

Blew the roof and cleaned the gutters this afternoon.

I sit down on the roof and use the blower to get rid of the leaves in the gutters. Safer than standing up by the edge.

Looks good!

Blew the driveway and deck.

If I hire someone to do this it costs me $120. I think it’s worth it for me to do it since it really doesn’t take that long IF I don’t let it get too bad.

Downloaded the new episode of Verbal Surgery I recorded this afternoon onto my Mac. “Skill and Will” is terrific.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Spanish! Calls! Podcast! 10.9.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:08 pm  


One of my favorite movie lines ever.

I was in Peru almost exactly 6 years ago today. I love this mask.

I had a good chat with my buddy Anthony this morning. We talked about sailing and I told him about one of my favorite books as a child, Kon Tiki.

Left a message for my friend Amit Badiani this morning. Ashley and I were at his wedding seven years ago.


Beautiful weather.

K and I went to Hot and Cold for lunch. It was super good.

There have been a lot of spider webs around lately.

I was talking to my friend Rick Beato about taking him on a couple of local safaris. In particular Chinatown and Asian Square.

Got gas and checked the levels in the Mercury.

We were supposed to have a team next Saturday, but this covid situation continues to cause us challenges. We are now requiring proof of vaccination or a negative test. Not sure how many teams this will cancel, but we feel it’s the right thing to do. We had a near miss with the last team, why should we allow the chance to happen again?

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Speed Limit.”

It’ll take your breath away!

Friday, October 8, 2021

Grandgirls! K! Cleaning! 10.8.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:06 pm  

I love seeing what Penelope is doing! And believe me, this progress is going to rapidly accelerate!


Kathy came to hang out with us today!

About 1/4″ of rain yesterday.

We had a fun time at Evergreen this morning. Water was a little cold, but not bad. Hardly anyone was there. The family had some delicious grilled hamburgers. I had a salad and some of the toppings from the burgers.


I set up this program for Penelope. It’s fun for her and really is teaching her phonics and reading skills in an amusing manner.

Everly had a nice nap and then I took the girls over to the other grandparent’s house.

Vacuumed the house.

Cleaned the glass doors.

Swept off the porch. There were hundreds and hundreds of acorns. The broom actually seemed to do a better job than the blower with them.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Grandgirls! FBCD! 10.7.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:32 pm  

Another rainy day, though not as much as yesterday!



It was wonderful to have all my girls together again! We’ve really missed our time with Penelope, although we have fun with her every afternoon after school!

I enjoyed taking them to Waffle House.

They have fun climbing on the rocks outside there.

Then are so beautiful!

We saw where someone had crashed into a column at a strip mall we go by. I had them examine evidence and determine that they thought had happened. Which way did the car come in? Where did the car go afterwards?

I had them look at the tire marks on the curb, tiny bits of brick, scratches on the sidewalk, all to help them put together a picture of what happened. They are both so bright.

Being aware is the first step towards real intelligence. Curiosity, baby!

I saw my S. American parakeets again today.

I deposited checks into my account this morning, and into Whirlwind’s account this afternoon.

Penelope worked on her “Teach your monster to read” game for over two hours today. She is SO smart! Everly and I miss having her around all the time a lot.

Kathy gave me some money this month. I was glad to put more in towards paying our credit card bill off.

Cada dia. Mas y mas.

It was a lot of fun to hear Penelope landing the plane into Mexico today. I guess that was because I study Spanish on the front porch right beside where they play.

Facial hair!

It was rainy, so I let them kick the ball around together in the fellowship hall at FBC Doraville. It was such a delight to hear Penelope’s little feet slapping the floor so quickly. She’s really fast!


I liked this.

Damp weather makes the mushrooms bloom!

I love the oil on water diffraction patterns.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Anthony! Rick! Podcast! Bank! 10.6.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:52 pm  

Rick Beato is a mentor of mine, especially in music theory. I was glad that he wants me to come by and hang out.

Hard to believe how fast time goes by. I look fat in this picture. It’s a couple of years before I became a vegetarian. Peru was one of my favorite trips ever.


One of the words I studied this morning in Spanish was “Mancha” which means “stain.” It reminded me of Don Quixote, Man of La Mancha. I thought about stains in our lives. Permanent reminders of accidents.


Looks like more rain on the way. Certainly has been wet.

I helped Ann get a tire yesterday.

Did some sewing on my comforter. The material is pretty delicate.

I went to Walmart today to pick up some more cocoa mix. I drink it with coffee in the mornings. I was shocked to see I was out.I usually always have extra on things I consider essential.

Went to Stone Mountain to record an episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Navigation Station.”

Deposited checks.

Miles got his birthday card in.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Ann! Car! Podcast! Plants! 10.5.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:53 pm  

Why am I not sad?





I got a text early this morning that Miles got rained out and would be watching the girls today. That’s a blessing for them!

My day took an unexpected turn when my sister-in-law Ann texted me and asked to take her to the hospital. She wasn’t feeling well.

She had a bunch of tests. So far nothing conclusive.

After we got back to her house, I helped her get her car over to Discount Tire in order to get a new tire on one that had a blow out.

We did some price checking. I told her my tire guy in Chamblee could give her a better deal. The other three tires she needs we’ll get from him. I didn’t want her riding around on that doughnut tire any longer than she had to.

They tore this old house down yesterday. Not surprised. It was junk.

Cada dia.


Watered my plants.

I spent time transcribing another video for my friend Rick Beato. It was a good one about his Aunt Penny. It always chokes me up.

I sorted a series of pictures for the Photo Album for his book this morning. I had downloaded and captioned 63 pictures but the file was too big to email. I figured that would be a problem for the book as well, so I edited it down to the best 22. It’s turning out to be a really good project.

Released a new edition of Verbal Surgery called “Gold Mind.” It’s so shiny, man!

Monday, October 4, 2021

Anthony! Podcast! Rick! 10.4.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:56 pm  


Cloudy and drizzly at times.

I had a fun chat with my buddy Anthony this morning. He always cracks me up.


K couldn’t find the Qtips. I found two boxes behind a bunch of stuff. Amen.

I see these kind of signs regularly. It means a film shoot is nearby.


I’m setting up a tour with the new missions committee director at Peachtree Corners BC.

I’m working on a big project for my music teacher. Rick Beato is a super cool guy. His stories are really interesting.

I uploaded the edition of Verbal Surgery I recorded this morning onto my Mac.

Here’s the piece I worked on for Rick’s book today. We are almost the same age so all the music he talks about is familiar to me. Well maybe not the Classical and Jazz stuff!

The Walmart team was having a hard time getting all my stuff together on time. It was finally ready around 7:30PM. Still WAY faster than me going around getting it. I’ll never go back to doing that anymore. Why would I? It’s a free service if I get over $35 worth of groceries.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Zoom Class! Calls! Beato! 10.3.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:44 pm  


Remind you of anyone?




I did an interview with a friend of mine, Clara Benali, who has a podcast called, “Teach me something new.” I gave her my four secrets of life. I set up my little studio with lights and a background.

I worked on getting the zoom link to function on my new Mac, but it never would connect. I’ll have to figure out what’s going on with that.

I added the edition of Verbal Surgery I recorded yesterday onto my Mac.

Cloudy day with some sprinkles.

Had a good talk with my Mom.


Ordered groceries.

I hear this word from time to time. I knew it didn’t mean “deaf.” I saw the other definitions today.

I’ve been working on the transcription project for my friend Rick Beato. I’m also including pictures from his Instagram feed. I send him email with the pieces that I complete.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Podcast! Beato Transcript! Vaccination! 10.2.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:39 pm  

That’ll work!

Español! SO much to learn.

I liked this.

Mas palabras.

Cloudy. Looks like wet weather coming.

Twenty years ago today I got the IRS non profit papers in for Whirlwind Missions!


Cada dia.

Cleaned off the driveway and deck.Lots of acorns!

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called
“Maximum Reality.”

So tasty!

I’ve been steadily working through a series of videos of my friend Rick Beato. He’s my music teacher. I’m transcribing and editing his videos and putting them into print form.


Enjoyed Thai food.

Kathy and I went to get our flu shots today.

I did two chapters today in Rick’s book.

Friday, October 1, 2021

Grandgirls! Azalea! Bill! 10.1.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:36 pm  

Teehee. Been there said that.



I was glad to hear this from my buddy.


My girls!

Gassed up my car. Glad I had the discount today. Checked fluids. Added wiper fluid.

Everly enjoyed playing on the rocks while I work on the car.

Cool clouds.

I feed Everly fruit in the shape of faces. Today I had orange hair made from orange slices. She ate those first.

Just. Keep. Going. I had some really long conversations in Spanish today. I know I make a lot of mistakes, but getting better all the time.

Ordered groceries.

I heard an unusual bird sound today. I have an app that can track those calls and tell me what they are. Incredible really. It was a Northern Flicker.

I trimmed Everly’s finger and toenails.

Beautiful day.

Picked up Penelope from the bus stop. I did a series of pictures with her. She’s so creative and beautiful.

She is doing better all the time with her writing.

Helped the kids with their homework and had my buddy Bill Cordrey teach the mothers some English.

I liked this.

Bill worked with the moms.

I love the sunset colors.

Went by my office to check the mail and my ficus plant.

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