Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Father’s Day! Español! Bike! Indian! Podcast! 6.18.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:58 pm  

Here we go!




Walked 2.24 miles.

Biked 3.08 miles. Would’ve gone a lot further but Ashley and her family came by to visit me. I went up the big hill in the front of my neighborhood five times. Believe me, that’s no joke on a bike.

K and I went out to eat at a new Indian food place for us for lunch. We really liked it, although it was kind of expensive. What isn’t these days?

It’s on the second floor. We’d never been up there before.

I got a kick out all the places they had restaurants. Especially Kenya!

I liked the vibe of the Royal Sweet shop too.

Got gas and checked the oil in my car. It’s been running rough. Need to get it tuned up when I have a day off.

We hope to take the grandgirls to the Lazy River pool tomorrow. I checked on the dates to make sure it’d be open.

I loved the card they made me.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Banana Plants.” Sweet!

I keep cranking them out.

Looks like I’ll come in #2 again this week.