Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, April 7, 2024

FBC Doraville! Podcast! 4.7.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:15 pm  

I enjoyed going to FBC Doraville this morning! Beautiful seeing kids and an adult get baptized.

They had a little self contained Lord’s supper. Groovy.



Research for my presentation at FBC Doraville.

From 1st Corinthians.

Listened to Don Cheto.

Mileage log.

I recorded “My Little Spacecraft” this afternoon at Stone Mountain. Downloaded it onto my Mac Air. Published it on Libsyn. Posted on Facebook. It’s a way of life.

Learning to turn my auto off on my iPhone. Meta.

Research for my podcast.

Beautiful day.

Came in #7 this week.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Español! Yard Work! 4.6.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:25 pm  

K’s new knee brace came in.



Blew and rinsed off the garage and deck.

Ordered groceries.

Ordered more oil from Amazon. Walmart was out of the big size.

Beauty in my back yard.

Moved my plants back outside. Cut off the dead leaves and thoroughly watered them.

Cleared the mulch away from my banana plants. Hopefully they’ll come back. The bases didn’t look like they’d frozen.

Cleaned off the table where they had been sitting.

Cleaned the birdbaths and filled feeders.

Cleaned my shovel and sprayed it with WD-40.

I retied the wisteria to the trees. The storms had blown them loose.

Cleaned my St. Francis shrine.

Cleaned my outdoor carpet.

Trimmed two trees.

Threw sticks into my recycle area.

Cleaned the glass in the kitchen and both doors.

Attached door guards to Kathy’s front door.

Picked up the groceries.

Jessi coded our websites originally in My SQL version 5.6. That will no longer work as of August 3rd. We have to update that file on our websites. Jessi and I have been talking about it. I had a long conversation with a tech guy at Bluehost too.


Friday, April 5, 2024

Grandgirls! Stone Mountain! Sky Hike! Summit! 4.5.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:49 pm  

Paid bills!



Added oil to K’s truck.

Took the girls to Stone Mountain to do the Sky Hike. It’s one of the perks of having the Annual Pass aka “Super Ticket.”

Everly worked really closely with Penelope today. P got scared the last time. Today they zoomed through the first level.

Yellow Daisy season!

Rode up the Sky Ride to see the top of the mountain. Too windy and cold for us to stay long, but we sure enjoyed the ice cream, pretzel and popcorn! The view was great!


Back down!

Just keep going.

Got J Thai food.

Ordered some door protectors and another knee brace for K.

I’ve done ok this week but Spring Break has definitely cut into my study time. Just do what I can do and do worry about the rest!

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Grandgirls! Downtown ATL! Monkey Bar Park! Stone Mountain! 4.3.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:05 pm  

Looking forward to the eclipse. Hopefully, we’ll be able to see it. It’s supposed to be cloudy. I think Fernbank might be a good place to check it out.



Cool and windy today.

Finally got in a package for one of the mission kids. Propped it up by his front door.

We went on Safari to downtown ATL today. We have fun riding the MARTA train. We like the murals.

They’re learning how to purchase tickets.

They enjoying looking at the suburbs. We have such a beautiful city.

This the biggest escalator in town. Everly gets kind of scared of it.

Peachtree Center is our train stop. We like hanging out at the big hotels in the area.

So many cool sights.

Penelope says, “I like the big buildings.” They really are big.

We enjoy eating at Metro Diner.

They had some games to play and a bluegrass band rocking out. It was a cool soundtrack to our game.

This is going up.

I mean down.

Deposited checks. Thank you, Father.

Got good exercise at Monkey Bar park.

Dropped by for a surprise visit to Mama.

Gassed up Mercury and checked fluids. Added oil. When I got home, I ordered more.

We also stopped by Young World to visit Kathy at work. They call her “Miss Mary.”

Got home and blew the garage and driveway. So much pollen and some mud from our shoes from the gardening.

Vacuumed the house.

The grandgirls and I went to Stone Mountain this evening to see the Dino Fest drone and laser show. I knew it was going to be kind of cold so we put on a lot of clothes.

Beautiful sunset.

We liked the dog show.

We were cozy. The show was cool. Lasted about thirty minutes.

Ready for bed. Big day. But not that unusual for us.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Grandgirls! Monkey Grass! 4.3.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:45 pm  

Just keep going.



Did my laundry.

K and I took the girls to Waffle House. The waffles were perfect.

Rained a little over 1.7″ last night. Lots of lightning and thunder. I was surprised it didn’t wake up the girls.

The girls and I worked hard on the monkey grass transplanting project. They helped me for about 1.5 hours and I worked another 4.0 hours. Pretty much got it done!

I watered it thoroughly after the transplant.

Hard to believe the project is about done. I’ve been working on it for four years. It really was a mammoth job. At least eighty hours. I’ll cut it with the weed whacker, like I do with the rest of the yard, but I’ll probably wait a year till I trim the new plants. I don’t mow anymore.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Ann! Grandgirls! Doggie Park! Pool! LT! 4.2.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:46 pm  


K hadn’t heard from her sister Ann in several days. She was afraid something drastic might have happened to her. We went to her house and sure enough she had fallen and couldn’t get to her phone. We called 911 and they helped her get up and then took her to the hospital.

I went with the girls to the Doggie Park. We actually got to play with a dog today too!

Not sure what this is.

I studied Spanish while I was there. Walked 1.92 miles.

We checked on the Lazy River pool but it wasn’t open until the Summer. We went back to Evergreen to swim.

We had a great lunch at El Torreros.

Came home to rest for an hour or so. Then went to Goodwill.

We were planning to see the laser show at Stone Mountain this evening, but they weren’t feeling that great and the weather app said it was supposed to drizzle.

Everly went with me to go to Kroger to pick up some medicine to help the feel better.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Grandgirls! Stone Mountain! Transplant! 4.1.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:10 pm  

Was in the top six this week.


Listened to Don Cheto.

Picked up the girls and took them to Waffle House.

I love Penelope’s art. We talked about labeling and pictures.

The post from my tooth implant came out. Went by the office and saw this note.

The doctor didn’t seem worried about the situation.

Went on safari to Stone Mountain. They’re having “Dino Fest” during Spring Break.

Enjoyed the Sky Hike. Penelope got pretty scared. It’s high and itt’s been about a year since they’ve been on it.

They enjoyed the ground level stuff too.

The girls helped me with transplanting Monkey Grass. We got a lot done and they had a super good attitude. We worked about an hour and a half.

Finished the job by giving the plants a thorough soaking.

I wore them out. In a good way. They are my best friends.

My mama raccoon came to see me this evening. She comes to my feeders every evening, but lately she meets me at the door. She’s a hungry girl.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Rockbridge! Monkey Grass! 3.31.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:06 pm  

Wrote some Thank You notes.


My forms finally got to my tax guys. They were two days late. I should get my money back on the overnight express promise. I’ve already gotten reimbursed once. It took five days last time.


My post for my new crown came out while I was drinking coffee this morning. That’s not zesty. I’ll call my dentist tomorrow after I pick up the grandgirls.

K and I went to Rockbridge BC for their Easter service. Pastor Bill preached. He is also the chairman of the board for Whirlwind Missions.

The choir sang a short cantata. I thought the sound track was a little too loud compared to the voices.

I followed along en Español.

I’ve enjoyed watching this.

I started Phase 3 of the Monkey Grass project in the front yard. I harvested a lot of the plants. Hopefully, Penelope and Everly will want to help me plant them. They’ll be spending a lot of time at my house this week since it’s their Spring Break.

I raked the leaf litter from the plants. Then I dug up the plants and cleaned the roots. Later, I put them in my Gorilla Cart and a five gallon bucket filled with water.

Once I cleared the area of plants, I raked leaf litter back over the soil. That will promote future plants.

I dug up plants for about three hours.

I’ll come in #6 this week in the finals of the tournament.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Walk! Bike! Podcast! 3.30.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:29 pm  

Swept the kitchen.



Looks like the water main has broken under my neighbor’s yard. That’s never good.

Hiked .73 miles.

My blueberry plant is fruiting.

Listened to Don Cheto.

Cleaned my bike and pumped the tires up to 60 lbs.


Rode my bike 5.31 miles. I’m still getting into shape.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Super Lure.” Attract happiness and success. Released it on Facebook.

Just keep going.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Phone! Flowers! 3.29.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:46 pm  

I applied for a refund for a charger I bought for Penelope’s Fire tablet. It was the wrong size. I got her the correct one the next day. I took the wrong one into UPS today.

I like these little violet wildflowers. They make a nice ground cover and are in all varieties of these blue to almost white.

I’m not sure what this species is. Looks like a type of grass but isn’t monkey grass.

I edited the video I shot this week for the team. It uploaded over night. I sent the Thank You letter which includes the links to the four galleries as well as the YouTube video.

I updated the form letter we use.


Checked on renewing my Stone Mountain membership. Decided to wait until I go to the park with the girls.

I had a good talk Zeb and Evelyn Moss this morning. Zeb had a big impact on me over the years.

I was pleased to see my cherry blossom tree blooming.

Went to the UPS store to drop off the wrong charger.

Picked up some Thai food.

Beautiful weather.

Listened to Don Cheto.

Went to T Mobile to check on their plans. I’ve been using Mint Mobile which is about $30 a month per phone line. T-Mobile would cost me about $80.

I hope I get my $30 back for them not getting the package to my tax guys there on time. Deja vu.

Watered the transplanted monkey grass.

Research on when I can take my plants back outside.

Love my azaleas this time of year.

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