Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Anthony! Walk! Az! Gym! Camera! 2.29.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:32 pm  

That’s not zesty!

School Schedule. Spring Break is coming up fast!


K has some money coming to her from work, but I have to figure out the forms. That’s a this weekend job.


Brisk today.

Fun chat with my buddy Anthony.

Hiked 1.47 miles.

Up and down the hill. Over and over and over and over . . . . you get the drift. It’s not a normal walk.

I reached out to two of the leaders of the Association today. Seems like I’m going to actually make contact with these guys.


Went to the bank. Thank you so much, Jesus!

Helped the kids at the mission.

Penelope had to go to the dentist today. I saw her at the gym.

Today is the last day that Ashley is on Whirlwind Missions’ payroll. She’ll still be working with us as a volunteer and we will give her love offerings when we can. I really do miss working with her all the time. Interesting that it’s the leap day.

Went by my office to check the mail and water my ficus.

My Canon 360 Elph HS finally died after months of wankyness. She finally ceased to retract fully. That’s usually the story. I’ve had it for four years or so I think. Definitely been awhile. I shot pictures in Israel and the Amazon jungle in Peru with this camera. It’s been great and it saddens me that I’m putting her in the “camera graveyard.”

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Walk! YRBC! Storm! PEK! AZ! 2.28.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:53 pm  



Started mild and super windy. Then a powerful thunderstorm and down into the 40s.

Had a nice note from my friend Chester.

Hiked 2.02 miles.

Went to Yellow River Baptist Church to try and contact the pastor. I left a note with some art that one of the kids made.

I went to Publix to get some chocolate candy as a gift for the church secretary and pastors.

I went to the office to get in, she answered, and said to just leave the letter and candy by the door.

I’m pretty sure she was the only person on the campus. I don’t blame her for not letting me in, but it was still kind of weird. It’s my buddy Jon Paul’s pastor. I let him know the progress, or lack thereof.

My Pink Magnolias are starting to bloom. Stupid squirrels keep eating the buds. Grrr.

Still trying to set up appointments with the three Associational Directors for the Georgia Baptist Association. I made one of them today! Amen.

Cleaned all four of my birdbaths and filled them up. I finally hooked my hose back up. I had a styrofoam insulation cover over the faucet during the winter. I left the hose unattached to stop it from freezing.

The suet gets eaten in just a few hours! I don’t put more out for several days. Again, stupid squirrels.

K and I took the girls to PDK airport to eat at the Downwind restaurant. A big thunderstorm blew in while we were out there. The porch where we sit is just windows. Super cool to see the wind and sheets of rain. The planes on the ground had their wings flapping up and down. Of course the planes are tied down for security.

We enjoyed the fellowship and the food.

Penelope always has great art!

Helped the kids with their homework.

I took another piece of Ashley’s art to my room from the mission. It just gets torn up by the silly kids.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Walk! Newsletters! PE! Azalea! Groceries! 2.27.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:17 pm  

Ashley painted this portrait of Frida Kahlo and had her in the kitchen at the mission. It was getting messed up over there so I brought her home to my room.



Hiked 2.57 miles.

Ordered groceries.

Made J some PBJ sandwiches.

Talked with Pastor John Weldon about getting a meeting with Steve Parr who is the Associational Missionary.

Good chat with my Mom.

I got all the newsletters stuffed and labeled last night. Took them to the Post Office today.

Tried to go by and see Jimmy at the Atlanta Metro Baptist Association to no avail. Although the website said they were the same place as in the old days, they had obviously moved.

Picked up the grandgirls at the bus and took them for Vietnamese food. So good.

Went by my office to check the mail and to talk with Deborah about using the conference room on March 25-28 when I have a team in town.

Helped the kids at the mission with homework.


Monday, February 26, 2024

Carnivores! PE! Azalea! Bank! 2.26.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:36 pm  

K found some old slides of Ashley. Man. The color really pops.

Came in #6 this week.


I’m preparing to do a major transplant/repotting of my carnivorous plants. I’ve basically left the alone. I need to take a more proactive approach.

Power blinked off for a few minutes this afternoon. It came back on before I was able to post a notice of an outage.


Hiked 1.90 miles.


Still figuring out the monitors.

Had a good chat with my Mom.

Renae got the newsletter copied. Amen.

Produced the newsletter. Printed it to get ready to photocopy.

Washed, dried and put up my clothes.

Took my grandgirls to Waffle House.

Homework at the mission.

They helped me decorate envelopes to send to supporters.

I heard that Olesima was moving. We went to her house to say goodbye. Sad.

Penelope left her folder at the mission. She said she didn’t really need it.

Got stamps for the newsletters.

Deposited checks. Thank you, Father for helping me in my time of need.

Ashley painted a Frida Kahlo picture that was left at the mission. I decided to bring her home.


Don Cheto.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Rockbridge BC! Español! Podcast! 2.25.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:57 pm  


Worked on website domain.

K and I went to Rockbridge BC which is the home church for Whirlwind Missions. Pastor Bill Cordrey, who is the President of our board of directors spoke on the parables of Jesus.

Pastor Greg is also on our board and plays music at the church as well as speaking.

Great to see Joyce Barrington. She was Carl Barrington’s mom and also gave us the car I’m currently driving.

Also had a great talk with my friend and board member Pat Barrington.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Tuned In.”

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Walk! Computers! Recycle! 2.24.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:06 pm  


Still working on getting meetings with these guys.



Hiked 1.32 miles.

Went through all the tech gear that was donated to me yesterday. Big jumble of wires and chargers.

I organized everything then checked which devices powered up.

I took the monitors that I got that were plugged into old PC desktops to Goodwill along with the cases for the iPads.

Put gas and oil in my car.

Took the laptops and iPads that didn’t work to HL Computers to be recycled properly.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Walk! Computer Gear! 2.23.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:10 pm  



I like the words. My buddy Anthony is learning to play this song on his classical guitar. It sounds great.


I went for a 1.1 mile hike. Felt like I had a sticker in my foot for a while.

Had a good talk with Uncle Will J about his donation. I appreciate it!

Went to Algood Plumbing to pick up some used tablets and laptops. Hopefully, some of them will be worth picking up. The batteries are probably dead on most of them.

Pastor Greg is on Whirlwind Missions’ board of directors. He was the one who got us the computers.

Had a nice chat with my Mom about Will J and his family.

Sigue adelante.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Anthony! Walk! Azalea! Gymnastics-PE! 2.22.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:25 pm  

Moon mission!


Fun chat with Anthony!

Tried to call the Pastor of Yellow River BC. Couldn’t get through. Let my buddy Jon Paul know since it’s his church.


Walked 2.71 miles. 19 hills.

K and I picked the girls up at the bus and took them to Waffle House and then to gymnastics.

Helped the kids at the mission.

Enjoyed watching the girls do gymnastics.

Went by my office to check the mail and make sure my ficus was ok.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Fundraising! Azalea! PE! 2.21.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:30 pm  

Followed up with the fundraising efforts yesterday. Went to a supporter’s house to pick up a check.

Deposited another $2K plus this afternoon. Amen.

Put Pastor Ben on my mailing list.



Had a good chat with my buddy Anthony.

One more thing to worry about.

Did my laundry.

Picked up checks in the mail at my office. Thank you, Jesus.

Helped the kids at the mission. We had a fun Bible story time with the younger kids.

Good talk with Nana on the way home.


Kathy lost her Visa card. I got my headlight on and looked under the car seat and found it. I figured I would. Amen. When I’m with the grandgirls I ask them, “What have we learned from this?” I decided that a lanyard around her neck would be a good way to handle the situation.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Fund Raising! PE! Park! Azalea! 2.20.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:47 pm  

Cold morning.


Contacted the Pastor of Yellow River BC.

Talked to Ashley about PayPal payments.

Since Whirlwind is low on funds, I spent hours texting, emailing and calling supporters. It was a very positive day with many people giving sacrificially to keep us going.

Español! Another milestone.

Hiked 1.84 miles.

Ordered groceries.

Had a good chat with Buck Burch who is the GBC missions guy.

Talked with my friend Quentin Krengel. He’s going to be supporting us in a time we really need it.

The girls and I got Vietnamese sandwiches and had a picnic at what we call “The Church Park.”

Helped the kids at the mission.

Listened to Don Cheto.

Good talk with my Mom.

Art by God.

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