Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Rockbridge! Monkey Grass! 3.31.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:06 pm  

Wrote some Thank You notes.


My forms finally got to my tax guys. They were two days late. I should get my money back on the overnight express promise. I’ve already gotten reimbursed once. It took five days last time.


My post for my new crown came out while I was drinking coffee this morning. That’s not zesty. I’ll call my dentist tomorrow after I pick up the grandgirls.

K and I went to Rockbridge BC for their Easter service. Pastor Bill preached. He is also the chairman of the board for Whirlwind Missions.

The choir sang a short cantata. I thought the sound track was a little too loud compared to the voices.

I followed along en Español.

I’ve enjoyed watching this.

I started Phase 3 of the Monkey Grass project in the front yard. I harvested a lot of the plants. Hopefully, Penelope and Everly will want to help me plant them. They’ll be spending a lot of time at my house this week since it’s their Spring Break.

I raked the leaf litter from the plants. Then I dug up the plants and cleaned the roots. Later, I put them in my Gorilla Cart and a five gallon bucket filled with water.

Once I cleared the area of plants, I raked leaf litter back over the soil. That will promote future plants.

I dug up plants for about three hours.

I’ll come in #6 this week in the finals of the tournament.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Walk! Bike! Podcast! 3.30.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:29 pm  

Swept the kitchen.



Looks like the water main has broken under my neighbor’s yard. That’s never good.

Hiked .73 miles.

My blueberry plant is fruiting.

Listened to Don Cheto.

Cleaned my bike and pumped the tires up to 60 lbs.


Rode my bike 5.31 miles. I’m still getting into shape.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Super Lure.” Attract happiness and success. Released it on Facebook.

Just keep going.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Phone! Flowers! 3.29.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:46 pm  

I applied for a refund for a charger I bought for Penelope’s Fire tablet. It was the wrong size. I got her the correct one the next day. I took the wrong one into UPS today.

I like these little violet wildflowers. They make a nice ground cover and are in all varieties of these blue to almost white.

I’m not sure what this species is. Looks like a type of grass but isn’t monkey grass.

I edited the video I shot this week for the team. It uploaded over night. I sent the Thank You letter which includes the links to the four galleries as well as the YouTube video.

I updated the form letter we use.


Checked on renewing my Stone Mountain membership. Decided to wait until I go to the park with the girls.

I had a good talk Zeb and Evelyn Moss this morning. Zeb had a big impact on me over the years.

I was pleased to see my cherry blossom tree blooming.

Went to the UPS store to drop off the wrong charger.

Picked up some Thai food.

Beautiful weather.

Listened to Don Cheto.

Went to T Mobile to check on their plans. I’ve been using Mint Mobile which is about $30 a month per phone line. T-Mobile would cost me about $80.

I hope I get my $30 back for them not getting the package to my tax guys there on time. Deja vu.

Watered the transplanted monkey grass.

Research on when I can take my plants back outside.

Love my azaleas this time of year.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

FBC Aberdeen, NC! Plaza Fiesta! China Town! Azalea! 3.28.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:44 pm  




I took the team on safari for lunch and a tour of Plaza Fiesta.

Had a great final day at the mission with the team. We gave a very powerful message about the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.

After Azalea I took them to China Town to check out the book store and the serenity garden.


Put the fellowship hall at FBC Doraville back like I found it.

Listened to Don Cheto.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

FBC Aberdeen, NC! Al Madina! Global Mall! Azalea! 3.27.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:41 pm  


Foggy riding into town this morning.



I took my team from Aberdeen, NC to visit Al Madina and Global Mall.

Had a great time with the kids at the mission.

I finally got the Super Mario brothers game in the mail. Took over a month! The Nintendo 64 worked great. The kids had a blast.

Helped the kids with their homework.

I broke my sunglasses today. Came home and glued them. I’m not optimistic that they’ll stay fixed. We’ll see. Get it?

I sent my signed tax forms back to my tax guys today. They’ll e-file it to the IRS soon.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

FBC Aberdeen! Asian Square and Azalea! 3.26.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:23 pm  

Drizzled most of the day with some intermittent downpours.


After I gave the team the briefing on Hinduism and Buddhism, I took them to eat at Pho 24.

Then on Safari to CD Tower.

Then to Azalea to work with the kids.

The made an edible tree for a craft. Pretzels, fruit loops and icing for glue.

Poured down. That’s why we met inside the mission rather than outside.

After we’d done the activities for the day, we played some Uno.

Went to my office to check the mail.

Listened to Don Cheto.

Good talk with my Mom.

Got gas and checked the fluids.

Picked up my groceries.

I received a packet of my taxes that had been done. It cost me a bit over $300 to get them done, but it’s WAY over my pay grade to figure out how to do them. I’ll send it back to them along with the check in Overnight Mail tomorrow.

Monday, March 25, 2024

FBC Aberdeen, NC! BHFM! Azalea! Bank! 3.25.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:35 pm  

Beautiful morning to start the week!

I really enjoyed getting to know the folks from FBC Aberdeen, NC today. I didn’t realize that I had spoken at their church years ago because some dear friends of mine, Zeb and Evelyn Moss, went to church there. Zeb had a really big influence on me in studying media and going back to the mission field.

Piper Cordrey and Pat Barrington also joined our group. Amen.

Had a great time at the mission with the team.

We helped the kids with their homework after the Bible study.

Went to the office to check the mail. Processed the checks and deposited them.

Ordered groceries to pick up after work tomorrow.

Two of the packages I’ve been waiting on finally got here. The mail is running about three weeks long than normal.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Rockbridge BC! Transplanting! 3.24.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:34 pm  

Consistant effort.




Hiked .57 miles.

K and I went to Rockbridge BC this morning. Good to see friends.

He preached on the 12 disciples and their view of the cross.

Always learning.


Watered the upstairs plants.

Got my gear together, began raking the area that I harvested the monkey grass from.

I collected over one hundred plants.

I put the plants in a five gallon bucket with water.

Dug shallow holes for the plants.

Watered all the transplants. It’s a substantial area and I did it pretty fast.

You can see on the left side of the map where I was getting the plants and then on the right sight where I was planting them.

Downloaded the episode of Verbal Surgery I recorded yesterday onto my Mac. Then Uploaded it to my Facebook account.

I’ll come in second this week.

Did some research on the church coming tomorrow.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Walk! Grass Transplant! 3.23.24\

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:18 pm  



Walked .81 miles.

Picked up big branches and sticks in the back yard.

Worked on the transplanting monkey grass to my front yard from my backyard fence area. First I got the equipment together, then raked the part I decided to dig up.

Put all the plants in a five gallon bucket with water.

Raked the area in the front yard where I would put the plants, then dug up small holes to put them in.

I planted them firmly then watered them.

I dug up and transplanted about 75 plants.

Hiked .97 miles.

I always appreciate feedback on my podcast. I recorded a new one today called “Matter of Time.”

Not sure why they’re not delivering this package.


Friday, March 22, 2024

Walk! Español! Rain! Pollen! 3.22.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:12 pm  


I hope to talk to these Bluehost guys tomorrow.


PBJs for J!

Cloudy and eventually turned rainy.

Hiked .79 miles.

Got a charger for Penelope’s tablet.

Here’s the path my lost package is taking. Went to Memphis and now back to Palmetto, GA.

I sent the Biden campaign an email about the bad mail situation in Atlanta. I was hoping he could get the postal workers their jobs back.

LOT of pollen in the air. It makes cool patterns in the little runoff streams.

Learning the words to this song.

Listened to Don Cheto.

I’ve been enjoying watching Paragliding Speed Flying videos.

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