Walk! PE! Gymnastics! Azalea! Bank! 3.14.24
Paid a bill.
Had a chat with my friend Jon Paul about Whirlwind business.
I’m currently memorizing this song from Juanpalitochinos. I’m using it to teach the grandgirls some Español.
The Overnight package I sent to Rome, GA was four days late. It’s guaranteed so I hope I get my $30 back.
Hiked 2.11 miles.
Decided to call Jon to discuss some plans. I’ve come to the conclusion that Jon vastly prefers a phone call to texting.
Had to add some money to my account.
Had a fantastic conversation with a new friend from Fayetteville, GA. Rusty Woods served in Ethiopia. We resonated. If all goes well, he will be bringing teams over the years. Amen to that.
I picked up the girls at the bus and took them to Taco Veloz.
They did great at gymnastics.
I brought donuts. The Bengalis at Dunkin’ Doughnuts gave me double. Don’t stop the blessings.
Two of the older kids helped some of the younger ones today. What a blessing.
Everly’s beautiful art.
Straightened up the mission and threw away all the trash.
Listened to Don Cheto.
I found a new bank ATM that’s pretty much on my way. Saves some time.
Blew the garage. Beech leaves are the last to fall.