Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Español! Anthony! Rain! Azalea! 4.30.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:25 pm  

Just keep going.

When Walmart doesn’t have something I ordered, they send it to me via USPS or Fed Ex.



Good chat with Anthony today. We discussed a wide variety of subjects including British politics, sending immigrants to Rwanda, sour dough bread, gut biomes among others. He was using some avatars that cracked me up.

Rainy this morning, but cleared off and was nice.

Made sandwiches for J.

K and I picked up the girls and took them to the Buford Highway Farmers Market for lunch.

Helped the kids at the mission. There’s no homework going on, but I still hang out with them. They enjoy Super Mario cart. I did help Everly with some math facts.

Kathy had Penelope read some books to her. They had fun going through the Parkview yearbook for Ashley and Miles when they were seniors.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Español! Anthony! Newsletters! Post! Azalea! 4.29.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:53 pm  

Bad news from where I grew up.

Came in #3 this week.

Read an article on memory.


Short chat with Anthony.

Ordered groceries.

Beautiful day.

Hiked 2.72 miles while I studied Spanish.

Took an adaptor and a cord to UPS to send back to Amazon. They have a self-serve station.

Went by my office to check on the mail and drop off my newsletter for the secretary to copy. I always leave her chocolate candy to say “thanks.”

Good talk with my Mom.

Picked up a few things at Walmart. The Chamblee Walmart has items mine near Stone Mountain doesn’t.

I cut a check to Azalea Place Apartments for the water. $10.

Chatted with Pastor John from Westside about coming to Azalea some Saturday.

Listened to Don Cheto.

Got the girls at the bus. I made a hide a key for the Mission. The girls helped me find a good hiding place.

I put soap in the bathrooms.

I picked up the photocopies of the newsletter, took them to Azalea to fold and stuff. Took them over to the Post Office.

Went by my usual bank off of LaVista, but it wasn’t accepting deposits. Had to use the bank in Stone Mountain. Didn’t like that.

Gassed up the Honda and checked the oil.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Family Photo! Newsletter! Podcast! 4.28.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:29 pm  



We went over to Ashley’s house for a birthday party for SugaMama. We took our family photo. I think we got a few good ones. I also did some shots of Everly and Ashley. They both know how to work a camera.

Ashley fixed a beautiful and delicious lunch. “Marry Me Tortalini.” GREAT to see Jimmy and Cheryl today too. Miles’ parents are great.

The girls put on a show.

K, J and I came home and rested.

I went to Stone Mountain to write my newsletter and record Verbal Surgery “For Better or Best.” Released it on Facebook.

Stopped by Lowes to cut an extra key for the mission and to get a couple of 10 foot 1/2″ PVC pipes.

Ordered a reduced size ping pong table for the mission.

I got a cable to use with my new wireless mics. Turned out to be too small, so I’ll return that one and get a coiled 6ft.

Ordered more address labels.

Wrote and produced the newsletter. Got the B/W copy ready to print. Printed the donor label.

Released Verbal Surgery “For Better or Best.”

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Hike! Anthony! Español! 4.27.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:44 pm  

This is my understanding as well.

I can see me taking the girls to this.

We’ve been dealing with K’s sister about going home, which we think is a really bad idea.

Kathy was invited, but going out at night really isn’t her thing.



It’s Anthony’s 50th birthday this week. He always makes me laugh.

Don Howard made a documentary about Creole music in S. Louisiana that I watched last night. I sent him a song by Thomas Dolby that has that Cajon music influence.

My roses are happy.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Hike! WW Front Yard! Deck! Driveway! 4.26.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:48 pm  

The crepe paper from K’s flowers stained the counter top. Got it cleaned off with scrubbing.



Hiked 1.53 miles.

WeedWhacked the front yard and side that I didn’t get to earlier this week.

Saw some poison ivy which I dug up the best I could.

Blew the garage and driveway.

Blew and rinsed off the deck.

Added some soil to one of the potted plants.

Picked up sticks and put them in the compost area in my back yard.

Hiked 1.73 miles doing yard work for 2:13 hours.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Hike! Anthony! PE! Gymnastics! Azalea! Birthday! Karen! 4.25.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:14 pm  

Kathy’s 64th birthday!

Interesting factoid.

Got a message from my friend Pat Barrington. I’ll be going over to interview the pastor of the Church at Main on May 7th.



I haven’t been to a concert in over four years. The Hives are currently my favorite band. I decided to get tickets for their show in the ATL in October. Should be fun.

Hilarious talk with my buddy Anthony.

Sent a picture from Apple Music about The Hives to Miles.

Don Cheto.


Azalea to help the kids. I only stayed about an hour. Had to head home to take the birthday girl out.

We celebrated K’s birthday at Provinos Italian in Snellville. They give the birthday person their meal for free. I was glad Karen LaFavre got to come to dinner. It made the night really special for K.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Hike! Anthony! PEK! Azalea! Bank! 4.24.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:29 pm  



Good talk with Anthony. He’s back in the UK now.

Hiked 2.53 miles. Eighteen hills.

K and I picked up the girls from the bus and took them to Waffle House.

Helped the kids with their homework.

Went by my office to check the mail.

Deposited checks.

K and I stopped by Tucker Rehab to take her sister Ann her mail and a Coke Zero. She was asleep, so we just left the stuff.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Car Covers! Yard Work! David Hill! Azalea! 4.23.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:43 pm  

After my time with Don Howard yesterday, I decided to check out the Chinese lessons from Duolingo. His fiancé is Chinese. I’m encouraging him to start studying.

I invested in a set of wireless mics for my iPhone.

After playing four square at the mission, I went on line to see how big the official court is. HUGE!


Got some new seat covers for my car. They fit pretty well.

Hiked 1.41 miles.

Beautiful weather.

Picked up sticks and weed whacked most of my front yard. Stopped to go pick up the girls.

Another 1.41 miles doing yard work.

Looks like after they busted the people sleeping on my street they made an arrest today of the guy at the top of our hill.

Got some ArmorAll for my car.

Gassed up my car.

Talked to my Mom.

Called John Weldon about a team coming. They’d didn’t show up last time.

Helped the kids with their homework.

I was cleaning up the mission when I got a call from a friend of my from Baylor and the NoZe Brotherhood. David Hill is from California and was helping take care of his aunt after heart surgery. We had fun talking and eating pizza.

Don Cheto.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Español! Don! PE! Azalea! 4.22.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:15 pm  

Beautiful cooler weather.

Came in #6 last week.


Got my Special Forces vanity plate for my car.


Had a great time with my friend Don Howard from Baylor and the NoZe brotherhood today. We used to hang out in Austin back in the 80s. He moved to the ATL last year. I had a blast showing him the Buford Highway Farmers Market and the Asian side of the International Village.

Picked up the girls and took them to eat at Pho 24. So good.

Helped the kids at the mission.

The kids are enjoying foosball and Super Mario brothers on the Nintendo 64.

I found some nice balls in my storage area at the church last week. I pumped up the four square balls and taught the kids how to play.

My Mom took a tumble last weekend. I had a good talk with her. Glad she’s feeling better and no broken bones. Thank you, Jesus.

The tax documents I sent on March 3rd to my tax people got there yesterday! I was glad I’d made copies of all my files!

I’m sending the adaptor for my iPhone back to Amazon. I couldn’t talk over the phone to another person through it. Useless. There is only one company that works and that’s Belkin. Unfortunately, they did’t have that adaptor for my phone in black so I tried another third party company. Didn’t work out. I’d tried four or five other companies before I finally found Belkin which works.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Bank! Rockbridge! Podcast!4.21.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:50 pm  

Got a disturbing text when I woke up around 7:00 AM. I eventually got in touch with the bank, Bluehost and Ashley and squared everything away.

Folded my laundry that I washed and dried yesterday.


Passover starts tonight.


Lots of homeless.

K and I went to Rockbridge BC this morning. I read in Español. Pastor Greg spoke on radical discipleship.

Rainy day.

Picked up medicine for Jessi.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Wait Lifting.” Excellent.

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