Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Español! Yard Work!

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:48 pm  




Made a donation to the Biden campaign.

I bought myself three shirts for Father’s Day.

I hooked up my new clicker for my computer, but it didn’t want to synch properly with my Mac. Went with the type I had before, which was just fine.

I no longer mow. I only use a trimmer. Way better for the environment, no fumes, not very loud and way lighter. It might take a few minutes longer, but not by much.

Watered the plants on the deck.

Picked up a lot of sticks.

Blew the driveway.

Yard looks better.

Clean the shoes.

It was hot and humid. Not an easy job, but still way better than mowing.

Father’s Day. Even the Groundhogs beat us.


Keep going.

Friday, June 14, 2024

PE! Downtown ATL! Bank! 6.14.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:08 pm  

I don’t think the Supreme Court is doing a good job. Letting bump stocks back? Are they crazy?!

This doesn’t surprise me.

I dig enthusiasm.



I hooked up the new RF cord into the router this morning. Everything works great.

Love my girls!

Worked with the kids at the mission.

We went on Safari to downtown ATL today. We enjoy the Marta train.

Peachtree Center escalator. It’s huge! London has a couple like this.

So many cool things to experience.

We got to see some of the real life versions of these Legoland buildings.

Kamala Harris is in town. We had fun talking to all the motorcycle cops.

Going up or going down?

Thursday, June 13, 2024

PE! Waffle House! Briscoe Park! Ashley! 6.13.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:13 pm  

Warm today. We stayed inside after we ate.




Discussing states of matter and how it relates to density. With the girls a Waffle House.

I decided to try out new parks. Today we went to Briscoe Park in Snellville. The playgrounds were for younger kids but there was a fun lake and a great pool.

We enjoyed the geese. I was teaching them how to approach animals. Get down low. move only when they’re not watching. Be quiet.

We really enjoyed the pool.

Good lunch at Hot and Cold.

Love my girls!


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

PE! JK! Lazy River! LT! 6.12.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:22 pm  

We had confirmation that all aspects of the websites that were upgraded functioned. Amen!

Paid Mustafa for his good work.



Girls did their school work. Glad K and J could help. J did some science work with them. They loved it.

Cool polypore Turkey Tail mushroom.

Hiked 3.29 miles. Everly hiked over ten hills.

K’s truck needs an oil change and the check engine light is on. I called Garmon today to see if they could work us in. Too crowded. Hopefully, next week.

K helped J go to the dentist this morning.

K and I took the girls to Lazy River this afternoon.

Went to El Torreros for supper.

Penelope and her bubble gum mustache.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

PE! Website Issues! Azalea! Lazy River! 6.11.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:56 pm  



I’ve been working with a tech person I contracted on Fiverr.com to help square away my websites. We are still having trouble with one of them but most everything else has been upgraded and repaired.


Cooler. Warm this afternoon.

Long ride into Chamblee this morning.

Don Cheto during the ride.

Love my girls!

Everly made me a little charm bracelet.

Summer School at the Mission.

Art projects.

Gassed up my car. Added a bit of oil.

Checked the mail.

Deposited checks. Thank you, Father.

Took the girls to Cici’s.

Talked to my Mom this morning. Her blood pressure got pretty high. Between the website problems and my Mom being in the hospital, I got pretty bummed out. The girls gave me some good hugs to snap me out of it. Amen.

I had a short rest then took the girls to the Lazy River (AKA Gwinnett Mountain Park aquatic center.) It was a big day for Everly because she finally got to go down the big girl slide. She loved it.

Got them showered, brushed teeth and bed made. They like to sleep on a pallet in the living room with the TV.

I’ve been wearing these reading glasses for years. I finally had to get another pair going, one of the arms broke off. Immediately bought back ups.

Keep going.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Español! Anthony! PE! Azalea! 6.10.24!

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:14 pm  

Came in third place this week.


I hate swimming in murky water.

Do you feel lucky? I enjoy Eric Barker’s blog.

Stuff I see on the ground.

Once Jessi got the websites and databases backed up. I went into action looking for tech support. I chose Mostafa A. I sent him an invitation as tech support for our websites.

I’ve been studying weather. I’ve got some new apps that I’m enjoying looking at.

Cooler and cloudy.



Don Cheto!

Love my girls!

More of the mission kids are showing up for the Summer homework help: mainly the rising third graders and Everly. I expect more. I’m working with them at 8:30AM.

I spent over an hour with tech support at Comcast/Xfinity. I got the new router at the mission working. 980 is pretty fast.

I changed the name of the WiFi to “MISSION” which is what it is again.

I’ve got a longer RF cable coming. The smaller router is precarious with the short cord.

Had a great talk with my buddy Anthony. He was on his way to Germany with his wife.

Cleaned the Mission. Organized my stuff.

Took the girls to Waffle House.

Trying to be helpful.

Penelope was so sad because her favorite bracelet got lost in the pool this weekend. I told her we could make another one. Went to Michael’s. It has all the best crafty stuff.

Everly got a bracelet/charm kit too.


I invited Mustafa to be our tech person of the WordPress blog.

Ordered some vitamins.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Podcast! Websites! 6.9.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:06 pm  

I’ll be in the top 3 this week.


Did laundry.

Ordered groceries.

Miles and Ashley helped me get access to the Xfinity site so I can get the internet going at the mission. The old router crashed. It was probably at least 15 years old.

I’ll probably have to go to the Comcast store to get it working is my guess.

Went to the pharmacy to get meds for J.

Lots of mosquitoes.

Felt hot. I took a rest day.

Checked the oil in K’s truck. I added about .75 Qt.

Got the freshly cleaned sheets on my bed. I still need to clean my comforter.

Added two new potential donors to our list from this week’s team.

Recorded “The Good Bad Guy.”

Gave all the lens retraction elements in my Canon Elph a good cleaning with 91% Alcohol on a Qtip, followed up with a very light lubrication oil.

Jessi got the websites and data base backed up. I’m starting my search for a tech person who can keep them up to date.

I’ve been studying weather recently I got a new app that I like, Ventusky.

Also got a barometric pressure app.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Christ Church-Birmingham, AL! Azalea Place! 6.8.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:55 pm  

Got my new clicker in today.


It was very cool this morning but it got pretty hot this afternoon.


Hiked .97 miles.

Don Cheto!

Had a great time with my team today.

Enjoyed Vietnamese food at Pho 24.

On Safari to Asian Square and China Town.

They’ve been really good with the kids.

I enjoy having the teams. Something special for my kids at the mission.

I struck the set and put all my equipment up. Made sure all the tables and chairs looked good in the fellowship hall.

Went to the bank to deposit a check. Thank you, Father.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Christ Church Birmingham, AL! Azalea Place! New Peachtree! 6.7.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:11 pm  

Keep going!



Jessi is helping back up the websites. We need to update the SQL files.

Turned very clear today.

Worked on the router for the mission today. Still don’t think it’s working properly.


The girls and I were over at FBC Doraville by 8:30 AM. Set up for the show and they did their daily homework.

Checked the mail at the office. Still missing at least one check that I know of.

We had a great time with our team from Christ Church Birmingham, AL today! We had The Show then took them to the Buford Highway Farmers Market and White Windmill.

I had clicker problems today. I’ve dropped it a lot. Bought a couple of new ones this evening.

The team did great at the mission.

Confirmed some info with the team this evening.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

PE! Plant Project! 6.6.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:26 pm  

Keep going!


Humid. Lots of mosquitoes. I sprayed us down thick with Off. Bugs weren’t a problem.

Super School.


We did out plant project today. First step is to get all our equipment in one spot.

I added water and then the girls mixed it up thoroughly.

We added soil to the pots, compressed it to the shape of the old pot and inserted the plant.

The girls did a very good job and I think the plants look great!

The last step was to clean all the old pots, organize them and then store them. I have a good collection of sizes.

I’m hoping to instill a love for plants with the girls. I think it’s a great hobby and teaches a lot about life.

Looking forward to having my team from Christ Church, Birmingham, Alabama tomorrow! I’ll meet the girls at the mission and we’ll ride over to the church to set up for The Show.

We saw a license plate from Alaska today. I looked up how far it was from the ATL.

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