Whirlwind Missions

Friday, April 26, 2024

Hike! WW Front Yard! Deck! Driveway! 4.26.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:48 pm  

The crepe paper from K’s flowers stained the counter top. Got it cleaned off with scrubbing.



Hiked 1.53 miles.

WeedWhacked the front yard and side that I didn’t get to earlier this week.

Saw some poison ivy which I dug up the best I could.

Blew the garage and driveway.

Blew and rinsed off the deck.

Added some soil to one of the potted plants.

Picked up sticks and put them in the compost area in my back yard.

Hiked 1.73 miles doing yard work for 2:13 hours.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Hike! Anthony! PE! Gymnastics! Azalea! Birthday! Karen! 4.25.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:14 pm  

Kathy’s 64th birthday!

Interesting factoid.

Got a message from my friend Pat Barrington. I’ll be going over to interview the pastor of the Church at Main on May 7th.



I haven’t been to a concert in over four years. The Hives are currently my favorite band. I decided to get tickets for their show in the ATL in October. Should be fun.

Hilarious talk with my buddy Anthony.

Sent a picture from Apple Music about The Hives to Miles.

Don Cheto.


Azalea to help the kids. I only stayed about an hour. Had to head home to take the birthday girl out.

We celebrated K’s birthday at Provinos Italian in Snellville. They give the birthday person their meal for free. I was glad Karen LaFavre got to come to dinner. It made the night really special for K.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Hike! Anthony! PEK! Azalea! Bank! 4.24.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:29 pm  



Good talk with Anthony. He’s back in the UK now.

Hiked 2.53 miles. Eighteen hills.

K and I picked up the girls from the bus and took them to Waffle House.

Helped the kids with their homework.

Went by my office to check the mail.

Deposited checks.

K and I stopped by Tucker Rehab to take her sister Ann her mail and a Coke Zero. She was asleep, so we just left the stuff.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Car Covers! Yard Work! David Hill! Azalea! 4.23.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:43 pm  

After my time with Don Howard yesterday, I decided to check out the Chinese lessons from Duolingo. His fiancé is Chinese. I’m encouraging him to start studying.

I invested in a set of wireless mics for my iPhone.

After playing four square at the mission, I went on line to see how big the official court is. HUGE!


Got some new seat covers for my car. They fit pretty well.

Hiked 1.41 miles.

Beautiful weather.

Picked up sticks and weed whacked most of my front yard. Stopped to go pick up the girls.

Another 1.41 miles doing yard work.

Looks like after they busted the people sleeping on my street they made an arrest today of the guy at the top of our hill.

Got some ArmorAll for my car.

Gassed up my car.

Talked to my Mom.

Called John Weldon about a team coming. They’d didn’t show up last time.

Helped the kids with their homework.

I was cleaning up the mission when I got a call from a friend of my from Baylor and the NoZe Brotherhood. David Hill is from California and was helping take care of his aunt after heart surgery. We had fun talking and eating pizza.

Don Cheto.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Español! Don! PE! Azalea! 4.22.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:15 pm  

Beautiful cooler weather.

Came in #6 last week.


Got my Special Forces vanity plate for my car.


Had a great time with my friend Don Howard from Baylor and the NoZe brotherhood today. We used to hang out in Austin back in the 80s. He moved to the ATL last year. I had a blast showing him the Buford Highway Farmers Market and the Asian side of the International Village.

Picked up the girls and took them to eat at Pho 24. So good.

Helped the kids at the mission.

The kids are enjoying foosball and Super Mario brothers on the Nintendo 64.

I found some nice balls in my storage area at the church last week. I pumped up the four square balls and taught the kids how to play.

My Mom took a tumble last weekend. I had a good talk with her. Glad she’s feeling better and no broken bones. Thank you, Jesus.

The tax documents I sent on March 3rd to my tax people got there yesterday! I was glad I’d made copies of all my files!

I’m sending the adaptor for my iPhone back to Amazon. I couldn’t talk over the phone to another person through it. Useless. There is only one company that works and that’s Belkin. Unfortunately, they did’t have that adaptor for my phone in black so I tried another third party company. Didn’t work out. I’d tried four or five other companies before I finally found Belkin which works.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Bank! Rockbridge! Podcast!4.21.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:50 pm  

Got a disturbing text when I woke up around 7:00 AM. I eventually got in touch with the bank, Bluehost and Ashley and squared everything away.

Folded my laundry that I washed and dried yesterday.


Passover starts tonight.


Lots of homeless.

K and I went to Rockbridge BC this morning. I read in Español. Pastor Greg spoke on radical discipleship.

Rainy day.

Picked up medicine for Jessi.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Wait Lifting.” Excellent.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Anthony! Español! UPS! Podcast! Ann! 4.20.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:49 pm  

Looks like I can finally mark this off my list.



Short chat with Anthony. He’s visiting friends of ours in Brazil.

Walked .33 miles.

Didn’t know this word.

Went to UPS to send an adaptor back to Amazon. Also to Kroger to pick up a glass scraper.

Went to Ann’s house to take the Stone Mountain sticker off my old car and put it on my new one.

Ordered an audio cable for my car. I thought I had already done that. I’ve gotten a few things to set up my new car correctly.

I look up words when I’m listening to Don Cheto.

Lovely weather, especially for a bike ride.

Biked 12.52 miles. Felt great.

K and I went to the Tucker Nursing and Rehab Center today. We took Ann some clothes that she asked us to find. She seemed in good spirits. I also brought her some new reading glasses and some scissors.

I went to Stone Mountain (with my transferred sticker!) to record “Wait Lifting.” Downloaded it from my recorder to my Mac Air.

I added Buch Burch, Jimmy Baughcum and Steve Parr to my newsletter list. They are all missions directors that I’ve been in contact with lately.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Tag and Title! Feeders! Key! 4.19.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:05 pm  

I made a reservation with the Gwinnett Tag Office last night.


I got over to the tag office about 9:30 AM.

I found out a lot of information there, including that I needed to get a copy of my 501 (c) 3 accreditation, as well as proof that the emission passed. They told me that I needed to go to a DMV in Dekalb County where Whirlwind Missions is located.

I went by an emission station. They gave me a print out saying that my car had been done within the last 90 days.

I found the location and got all the documents that I needed.

Went to the central office. They helped me immediately. Super smooth. Got everything I needed in less than thirty minutes.

Ordered some new underwear.

We still needed K’s SS card in order to get the $500 scholarship. I went through every document in my whole drawer and finally found it. Took about 1.5 hours. It was good to get everything sorted. I got a new expanding folder to handle all the overflow.

Did my laundry.

Swept the kitchen and living room.

Got my bike ready to ride. Both my girls look good!

Rode my bike 12.49 miles. Gorgeous.

I replaced the temporary tag with the Dekalb one. I’ll swap it out with the permanent Gwinnett County tag once I get the title back. I need to put the title in my name rather than Whirlwind Missions.

I’m still getting my car tweaked like I like it. Getting a bigger clock.

I got a jumbo hide a key. The magnets were loose so I hot glued them before I put it under the car.

I fixed the name on the website to get K’s scholarship.

Rained about .5″.

Cleaned and refilled the hummingbird feeders. I haven’t seem the birds yet. Hope they’re on the way!

Cleaned and refilled the birdbaths.

K and I went to Metro Diner to celebrate the new car and the scholarship money on the way. Love their cheesecake.

Magnificent sunset on the way back to the house.

Got an adaptor for my iPhone for the car. I’m sending it back. Not the right size.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Honda! Jon! Jimmy! Gymnastics! Azalea! Transfer! 4.18.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:03 pm  

Ordered some seat covers, a jumbo hide a key and some wires to hook my phone up to the AUX input in my car.

Did some research on Jimmy Baughcum before my meeting with him today.


Went by my treasurer Jon Paul’s house to give him the financial report as well as have him sign a letter for me to help with the title transfer process.

I haven’t had as much time to study Español recently because of all the lunch appointments.

Rinsed my car off yesterday. I’m slowly getting it to being “my” car!

Had a good meeting with Jimmy today. He’s the right stuff. We hung out at the Buford Highway Farmers Market and I took him to Asian Square and China Town.

Checked the mail.

Looking into options as to what to do with the Mercury. She still runs, although the transmission continues to deteriorate. I checked and added to the fluid level every single day.

Picked up the girls and got some pizza. Then to gymnastics.

While I was at the church, I checked on things that the teams had left me. I found some jump ropes, bubbles and beach balls. Kids loved them.

Beautiful weather. Definitely getting warmer.

Don Cheto.

Talked to my Mom on the way home.

I cleaned Mercury out when I got home. I put the gear in the Honda. Took about an hour.

When Kathy got home, she followed me over to her sister Ann’s house. Ann is in assisted living right now doing physical therapy on her foot. I’m parking Mercury there for now. I haven’t decided whether to get rid of it or hang on to it as a back up.

I also went through all of Ann’s clothes so I could take her something to wear while she’s at the assisted living home.

Got home after 9:00 PM. I was really tired.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Police! Azalea! Honda! 4.17.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:47 pm  

My sister-in-law Ann is in an assisted living care home doing physical therapy after the surgery on her foot. I’m helping her get some reading glasses.


Ordered groceries.


This morning as I was walking up and down my hill, I noticed a Toyota Corolla parked on the street that had two people sound asleep in it. That was super unusual. I talked with one of my neighbors and we decided it was best to call the cops, which I did.

Eventually, they had five police cars there.

I debriefed with the cops when the scene was about cleared and they told me that they had made “multiple good arrests” because of my phone call and that they appreciated me calling them. Boy, did those guys ever choose the wrong hill to park on. My neighbor down the hill and I are both super aggressive about calling the authorities.

I got in touch with my Progressive Insurance agent and put my Honda on my policy.

Ordered a new file folder. Too much stuff for just one.

Today was my first day that I drove my new 2011 Honda CR-V to work. She’s much lighter and smaller than the Mercury. I’m still learning how to turn everything off and on. I set the clock today. I have to move my stuff to my new car. It’ll take some prioritizing because it’s about 1/4 the size of the other car’s trunk.

We got a few sprinkles, but the majority of the rain went just north of us.

I gave two of the girls at the mission a new Bible. They were super excited about them.

I sent a text to the team leader who had given the Bibles to us.

Helped the kids with their homework.

I like the kid’s art.

Went to my office to check the mail.

Gassed up my car and checked the fluids. WOW! The engine is so clean.

Got my groceries and put them up.

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