Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Portuguese! DDAY! Plaza Fiesta! Final Team!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:07 pm  

I worked on Portuguese this morning. Steady progress.


Secrets of LIFE!

Enjoyed briefing our team from Silverdale BC this morning. Gave the leader gifts!

Talking about Catholicsm as practiced in Mexico!

Penelope loved the girls!

And signing the Landing Pad!

Rabbi mode as I annoint their heads with oil from the Holy Land.

Giving their cards to Jesus.

On Safari to Plaza Fiesta!

Always something I’ve never seen before in my life.

Ashley and I struck the set for The Show.

The Big Globe made it through another season!

The team helped me put stamps on the envelopes.

They donated baseball equipment.

Ashley helped me clean the Fellowship Hall. Swept and scrubbed bathrooms and the whole downstairs. Mopped dirty spots and the bathrooms.

Final job is to take out the trash.

Dropped off the book bags from Perimeter Church at Azalea.

Drove through Shallowford Gardens on the way to check the team. Massive fire there about a week ago. All the residents were having to move anyway. There is a new elementary school being built on that location. Then a fire destroys many family’s belongings. Sad.

Came home to work on admin duties.

I was planning on riding but looked like a big thunderstorm was coming my way. Weird how weather can suddenly change course or dissapate.

I still need to write my newsletter and edit video. Plenty to do!

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