Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Teams! DDay! Plaza Fiesta! Missions!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:50 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning.

Woke up around 4:30am. Studied for about an hour.

Had a great time with the teams this morning for our DDay–Dedication Day.
Penelope has been enjoying rocking out with the singing.

I keep trying to launch myself to the ceiling!

Penelope, too!

The girls are so awesome!

My new song, “Napenda Baba” which means “I love you, Father” in Swahili has been a hit. It’s divided into three verses with Napenda: Adonia, Yeshua and Ezer, the three names of God. Ezer means “helper” in Hebrew which is what Jesus (Yeshua–is his name in Hebrew) called the Holy Spirit. They each have hand motions. Adonai has hands raised with “jazz hands.” Yeshua is the cross–he is the bridge we go aCROSS! And with Ezer we pat our chest, since he lives inside of us!

We gave our team leaders their “Golden Egg of Eggcellence!”

Senor Tim says, “Buy the book, vato!”

Ashley is always great in The Show!

Presentation of Mexican Catholocism.

Passing of the baton, “It’s up to ME!”

“I will pray for . . . ” cards to Jesus!

Annointing heads with oil from the Holy Land.

Signing the Landing Pad! It’s five years old this week! Over 4,000 signatures on it!

Then to Plaza Fiesta! I thought these mannequins looked sad.

Never too much Penelope! She’s so awesome!

It was the first time I’ve seen Everly play there. She had a grand time!

Love my girls!

I shared a couple of language apps with friends of mine interested in learning more Spanish.

Ashley, the girls and I cleaned up the Fellowship Hall and got things ready for next week.

Final duty is to take the trash out!

Went to check on the teams. I had just missed one of the teams at their first site. The place was a huge mess. I’m sure my folks didn’t make the mess, but I couldn’t leave it that way–we could get blamed for it and then lose the priveledge of serving there. Cleaned up little pieces of what looked like was the stuffing for a toy for about twenty minutes.

Teams did great at the missions!

Cleaned out the water coolers and took them back to our storage room at the church.

Relocated squirrel #40! I’m not sure the job will ever be completed. As squirrels find my feeders, I take them to another forest about five miles away.

Beautiful sunset.

This new house had an addition being built that was a garage. They tore it down and made a garage into the southern wing of the original building. Made a lot more sense. That big building was a monstrosity and really took away from the beauty of the master house.

Great talk with Kathy and Jesse this evening.
Admin duties now.

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