Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Rockbridge Christmas! Carl! 12.9.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:03 pm  

Studied Spanish this morning.

I enjoy memorizing scripture and poetry. This morning I started working on “Do not go gentle into that good night” by Dylan Thomas. I’ve known pieces of it for years, as is true for most of the poems I’ve memorized this year. Now I will master it all.

Went to Rockbridge Baptist Church this morning. It’s always a blessing to meet with them! Today was their Christmas program as well as a joint service with their Spanish congregation. But the main draw for me was that my good friend Carl Barrington preached as well as sang solos. Powerful and moving experience for me.

Watered my plants.

Put food out for the birds.

Spent an hour listening to Spanish radio. Great practice.

Played some God of War.


Worked on getting the title ready to transfer for the Mercury that we donated. What a blessing the Barringtons have been to us over the years!

Admin duties now.

It’s cold in my room. I’m practicing typing with my Mac under a blanket to keep my hands warm. It’s a skill I’ve developed over the years!

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