Grandgirls! Newsletters! 4.29.20
I love this quote by Alexander Smith. We like people who are like us.
I studied Spanish and did my brain training this morning.
Nine years ago today I was in New York City with some of my best friends and I purchased this slice of brain that was originally from a medical school in New York. It’s at least 70 years old.
The grand girls came to visit with us today.
We had a lot of fun at the goose park.
I decided to figure out what kind of things we could feed geese.
t was a windy day today and made interesting patterns on the water. The same physics creates this type of clouds as well.
The girls love to jump!
I worked on the newsletter labels.
I ordered more labels.
Listened to radio from Madrid and talked with Everly while I was labeling.
Ashley got them in the mail.
I’m involved with a lawsuit against a hotel in London where a friend of mine was injured. I got the testimony done today.
I filled in a survey about non-profits for the University of Auburn.
Fun day although it was a rainy afternoon.