Grandgirls! Ashley! Car! 10.19.20
Studied Spanish and did my brain training.
Enjoying the book Entangled Life.
Fun talk with my buddy Anthony.
I have an old license plate from Kenya. I decided to spruce it up. Gave it a good scrub and sprayed it with white primer paint. Today, I masked off the letters and numbers so I could spray it pink.
Scary Pumpkin doing its job.
Ashley had to get some work done on her jeep. She came over with the girls. Always a blessing! I haven’t had nearly enough Ashley in my life.
I told them today we were studying tape and spray paint.
I shot my plate pink.
I taught them how to spray with a can. Short sprays. Always moving.
We sprayed the leaves metallic silver.
Always fun.
Everly creating worlds.
Ash read her books we just got from the library.
Penelope made me a cake. With candles!
It’s Jesse’s birthday this weekend. 30! I bought us an ice cream cake for pre-birthday enjoyment.
Nap time.
Then ice cream!
Playdough time!
Upgraded entrance with Kenya plate. Normally, it’s black on white.
Silver painted a can. We put toilet paper on top of it.
Cleaned the carpet.