Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Podcast! Supplies! Yard Work! 12.5.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:27 pm  

Cold day.

I thought these were funny.

Studied Spanish.

Duolingo is a popular app.

I’ve certainly learned a lot from it.

I like Clozemaster, too.

Had a great talk with my good friend Jim Herrera in Dallas. We went to Baylor together and played in a band for years. He teaches an online Sunday school class on line. I’m looking forward to hearing it.

Read an article with this word in it.

Upkeep on my car. Gas. Windshield (inside and out!) Oil.

Went to Lowes to get some good sprayers and ask if they are renting the carpet cleaners yet. They are.

They have a beautiful arrangement of flowers.

Paid bills.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery.

Enjoyed some cashew tofu today from Sweet Basil.

I try to change my sheets regularly.

Filled all the bird baths.

Blew and washed the mud from the driveway.

Blew the porch and the deck.

The iPhone 11 wide angle lens is really cool.

Turned all the fans back on to keep drying out the carpet. I also vacuumed the house.

Studied Hebrew.

I work with a lot of Bengalis.

I sent this to my friend Jim Herrera.

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