Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Grandgirls! Doggie Park! 5.13.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:34 pm  

I thought this was pretty funny.

EspaƱol! I take screenshots and put them on my blog to help me memorize new words.

Took the girls to the Doggie Park. K came over for her lunch break.

Always fun to see these notifications.

I find Terence McKenna very interesting.

That seems like a lot to me.

Colder day than it has been.

Does this indicate that when you run, you can flat line?

Never too much Ashley!

We went to the Yellow River Game Ranch to check out the peacocks. We fed them peanuts from our hands.

Went to Sonic. Came home for a picnic.


We are still getting good use out of the PA boxes.

The for sale sign was put up today. I put this image on my phone and within an hour I saw ads for this on my Facebook news feed.

Still having gas shortages.

Dropped the girls off at home. Talked with some of the kids about how the testing was going. Pretty well for most of them. “I only have one F” said another.

Went by my office to check the mail.

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