Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Grandgirls! Goodwill! Bikes! 7.1.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:02 pm  

Necesito estudiar EspaƱol cada dia.


Beautiful day. Didn’t rain at all.

Nueva palabra.

I went to Goodwill this morning with the grandgirls. I was flabbergasted to see the exact model of my bike! Over 15 years ago, Kathy and I bought matching bikes. It had been stolen from our hotel at Tybee. Part of me thinks they just now gave it to Goodwill. I’ll probably go get it tomorrow. Seems to me it’s worth $50 just for all the parts!

The girls really had fun. We rode them at the cul-de-sac at the bottom of our hill.


Mas historias.

I got both girls new bikes for a total of $16.00. I pumped up the tires and they were good to go. It was Everly’s first day to really ride around on a bike. Hers has training wheels.

Seems like everything in my garden is blooming.

It was great to see my pal Jon Paul this afternoon. I was glad he came by.

Rode my bike 6.07 miles. I’m still kind of getting back into biking after a layoff. Trying not to overdo it.

The house behind ours had a big tree fall. The county came in today to get it out of there and clean up the mess. I was kind of surprised that was a county responsibility.

Spent a little time this evening trimming some bushes in my front yard.

I will probably shape the bottom sections too.

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