Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Grandgirls! Hummingbirds! Checks! 7.6.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:43 pm  

Take a deep breath.

EspaƱol con DuoLingo.

My girls!

Bang trim.

I love sitting out here.

I usually study Spanish out there.


Everly made me food from black play dough. I always make a big deal of pretending to eat it.

Beautiful day.

Hummingbird mix. 4/1 water to sugar.

Cleaned and refilled bird baths while I had the hose out.

K joined the girls and me at Metro Cafe. I saw this big sticker on a pole nearby.

I let Everly bring some toys inside because the mosquitos were bad.

I’ve been doing research on Rick Beato, a man that Ireally admire. He’s an incredible guitarist and produces and records musicians. Turns out his studio is less than four miles away from my house! So I’m looking forward to making friends with him.

Escucho Harry Potter cada dia.

Went by my office to check the mail and water my ficus tree.

J had trouble getting his car started. It conked out a couple of times while I was trying to start it, but after I gave it gas to keep running, it worked fine. I drove it around a mile or so.

I processed the checks we got. I’ll put those in the bank on the way home from Global Mall tomorrow morning.

Paid bills.

I still use my Canon Elph 360 a lot every day. These pictures I took with it today.

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