Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Grandgirls! Ann! Azalea! 3.23.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:19 pm  

Talk about a step in the wrong direction.

I’ve been learning a lot of weather related words recently.

Rained for a lot of the day.


I like this one.

Love my girls!

Helped Ann with some problems she was having. Changed several light bulbs out. It was really dark in most of the house.

Took out all the trash. There were a lot of bags.

She was having issues with charging her phone. She is prone to falling and with a dead phone no one knew to come help. I went through all the cables and charging bricks, threw out the bad ones and set up two complete charging stations for her to use. Hopefully, she can be contacted now.

Washed and cleaned up her kitchen. Fed and put water out for the dogs. Cleaned up her office and most of the downstairs. It was a big job, but I’m glad I was able to help her. It’s really a sad situation.


Took the girls for Vietnamese this afternoon.It’s one of our favorites. Penelope cracks me up.

Helped the kids at the mission. It was super windy so we set the table up between the apartments like we used to last year. It was much calmer there.

I liked this Christmas picture that Penelope drew.

Everly’s snow man.

I thought Genesis did a good job on this one.


Kathy got a bonus from work for doing on line courses. We sent the money to help with our credit card bill.

A button in my shirt kept coming undone. I sewed the hole together.

I also washed a load of my clothes this afternoon. When I’m exercising regularly, I get a lot more clothes dirty.

Refilled my tap water jugs. I use them to water some of my plants and to clean out the water bowl that the raccoons use. It gets really dirty because they use it to make the dog food I leave out for them soft. I can clean out the bowl and refill it with exactly one gallon of water. I do that every couple of days. It’s a lot easier than having to drag out the water hose.

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