Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Español! Yard work! 4.3.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:53 pm  


Message from NASA.


I liked listening to this song today. It’s one I don’t remember hearing before. It’s from my current favorite band: Metronomy.

I took on a major challenge today: raking the leaves in the front yard. It’s important to have a long-term vision for what you want to have happen in the yard.

Here are some shots of before I started raking.

I started systematically removing the leaf litter from areas I wanted uncovered, primarily where I had planted liriope.

I put the leaves I collected either on an embankment I’m making at the north end of my property or along the path near my house up the hill.

Collected a lot of small branches.

The wild flowers and azaleas are marvelous this time of year.

I believe in letting the leaves do what they’re designed to do: compost.

Why bag up what the forest will turn into rich soil?

Good work out. 2:32 hours hits my exercise goal for this week, although I anticipate getting a lot more. I’ll have Penelope and Everly together. I plan on us doing lots of active things, in particular bike riding. Amen.

Raked up all the front of the house. It really needs bags of bark to keep the soil from eroding.

Nice panoramic shot of my property.

Felt absolutely perfect outside. A joy to work in.

This is about two foot of leaves I’ve spread at the bottom part of my yard. I want to slowly build the level up there to reduce the slope of the yard.

The liriope looks great now that the leaves have been removed. They protected the plants from the intense cold we had this winter.

I found my sprinkler underneath the leaves. Also pulled out the Blue Pool. I probably need to get another one. Mine leaks.

One of the last things I do is to walk around on the piles of leaves to start compressing them.

It really is amazing to me just how fast the mycelium will turn this into nothing but soil.

Cleaned out and refilled my birdbaths and feeders.

Looking forward to playing Horizon Forbidden West and relaxing after a hard day of manual labor.

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