Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Español! Yard Work! 4.14.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:27 pm  


I got this message right as I was pulling out of my driveway.

I spent nearly three hours studying.

Here’s my view as I study.


Helped Jessi print some files.

Cleaned off my outside rug.

Finally took my little pumpkin outside. It started to get soft on the bottom. I’ll let it finish recycling outside. I’m curious just how long that will take.

I created a lichen garden today.

Cleaned up the St. Francis shrine. Added some more wood pieces.

Spent time working on my back yard today. First things is to pick up all the dead limbs and put them in my compost.

When I first saw this I thought it was a mushroom. Turned out to be an orange peel.

Got my lawnmower out and fired it up.

The yard was pretty overgrown.

I ended up pulling it most of the way. Too hard to push.

It was hard. I did about half the back yard. All the hardest parts. Ran out of gas and so did the mower.

Watered the wisteria I planted. It’s a super big transplant shock the way I have to harvest it. I hope they all hang in there.

Worked on cleaning the area below Jessi’s window. There’s some kind of sediment that discolors the brick. This is what it looks like.

I scrubbed with a broom and a solution of Oxiclean.


Always more.

I scored a little over 4,000 points today. You have to work hard and fast to do that!

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