Whirlwind Missions

Friday, September 9, 2022

Español! Orchids! 9.9.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:52 pm  

Sad about the Queen.


Español! I reported an issue to Duolingo this morning. It was in a unit on adverbs. The English version said, “He did the work bad,” rather than using the word “badly” which is the actual ADVERB! Bad is an adjective. Really made me shake my head.

J and I are having lunch with Ian North next Tuesday. I moved my time with Jon Paul to Wednesday instead. Thursday I’m having lunch with Everly’s Pre=K class. Looking forward to all of those interactions.

My big project for today was repotting five orchids. First, I set up my work station.

Then cleaned and trimmed the roots of each orchid.

Doing research on Guatemala and Lake Atitlán in particular. There’s so much good information on YouTube. I’m enjoying listening to travel hosts from Spanish speaking countries.

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