Whirlwind Missions

Friday, September 16, 2022

Bank! Orchids! Feeders! Podcast! 9.16.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:42 pm  

I upgraded my iPhone 11 Pro Max to the newest iOS 16. Doing research on the best features to use and settings to change.

This is one of the villages I’m going to visit in Guatemala next year. I’m interested in the weather patterns. I found out yesterday that our upstairs neighbor at Azalea (whose family just moved a week ago into a house!) grew up there.



Went to the bank to work on the mortgage situation. Even my banker was frustrated by her own mortgage department! I had to pay the whole month’s payment at once. Usually, I pay bi-weekly.

Gorgeous weather for working outside.

One of my rose bushes is blooming.

Kathy had been “organizing” last month and left a big pile of dishes and glasses and stuff on the stove which I had eventually moved to this card table. Finally got tired of looking at it all and put it all on the top shelf of the cabinet out of the way.

The biggest project I worked on today was repotting my orchids. I enjoy setting up a work station and getting stuff done.

They look happier. Hope I did everything right.

I finished working on K’s truck tires this morning. The left front tire was also very low. Supposed to be 44. Those big tires take a long time for my pump to fill up when they’re that low. It actually started overheating. Hope it’s ok.

Cleaned and refilled the hummingbird feeders.

Ordered groceries.

I trimmed the growing tips from my San Pedro cactus. The base is rotting, I probably watered it too much. I hope to grow new plants from these cuttings.

Cleaned the area outside my back door.

Worked on St. Francis.

Repotted this little bamboo plant.

Cleaned the driveway. It’s getting ready to get covered up all the time. Fall’s on the way!

Cleaned and scrubbed my two shower/tub areas.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Wonderempty.” Very strong.

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