Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Español! Storm! Sunset! 1.12.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:57 pm  

Sad news this week of the death of one of my favorite guitarists ever, Jeff Beck. I got to see him play twice. Both times he was great! Loss to humanity.

I’m afraid we’re going to get a lot more of this “super-rare” weather.

One of my favorite Japanese words.

Stamets is a hero of mine.

Always learning. I was pretty sure I knew this one.



I got this message twice today. Cost me over 2,000 points. In the grand scheme of things it’s meaningless, but it still irritated me.

If you’ve been following my blog, you may remember that I took pictures of this leaning tree that looked like it was ready to fall. Well it did. Barely hit this house, lucky for them.

Mild today. Very powerful thunderstorms blew through later.

Walked 1.81 miles while I was studying.

Listened to Spanish radio.

Repaired the collar of one of my shirts.

I haven’t been taking vitamins for the last several months. After reading an article, I decided to make more of an effort to make sure I’m getting what I need.

This happened to me twice. Not zesty.

This is what the full blown storm looked like as it passed over Atlanta. Wow!

It left the whole sky a weird fire color. Incredible!

The whole sky was awash with color. Fabulous.

Just keep going. I should have been way ahead of the other folks. Oh, well.

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