Whirlwind Missions

Monday, August 14, 2023

Duolingo! Walk! Yard! Azalea! 8.14.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:28 pm  

Now that’s intense.

Just keep going. Came in #1 this week.



Walked 1.88 miles. Up and down the hill 10 times.

Slightly over 1″ of rain over the last couple of days.

Cleaned and refilled my hummingbird feeders.

Trimmed some trees and shrubs.

Got the weed eater after the yard. I’m so glad I’ve quit mowing. So loud. So dirty. So much pollution. And not really that much faster, if at all.

After all the storms we’ve had there are always a ton of sticks to pick up. I think I did four full wagon loads.

Blew the deck and driveway.

Yard looks better after a trim.

Lots of leaves on the driveway.

Walked another 1.26 miles with the weeder. Over three hours of strenuous exercise. My pants and socks were completely soaked. I try to drink a lot of water while I’m doing it.

I agree with the excessive heat. It’s a new world we’re living in.

Downstairs where I live, my bedroom doesn’t get much lower than 80 degrees even at night. Fans make a huge difference.

Ate curry for lunch at Masala, then got the girls around 2:30 PM.

Helped the kids with their homework. Man, the 8th grade stuff was really hard to figure out. I finally discovered this which helped me.

Everly was very proud of her new earring collection. They are the clamp style.

Listened to Don Cheto on the way home.

Went by my office to check the mail.

Processed the checks to get them ready to deposit.

Filled up the car on the way home. Went into Walmart to pick up some meds for K. She’s on antibiotics now.

Beautiful clouds.

Went by the ATM to deposit the checks and it was GONE! That’s not zesty. Looks like they may be bricking it over. I hope they replace it. That location was super convenient for me.

Usually by the end of the first day I can tell how much competition I’ll have. I expect to come in #1 pretty easily by the looks at what the other folks have been doing recently.

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