Whirlwind Missions

Friday, October 20, 2023

Guatemala 9.29.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:25 pm  

Woke up early at 5:15 AM. Left by 6 AM. Was over at Doraville by around 6:30. Was on the next train in just a few minutes. Got to the airport around 7:15.

Got through checking my bag and to the E gates in around 45 minutes.

Easy flight to Guatemala. A little over three hours. Tried to sleep, but couldn’t. Too much noise and turbulence.

Met some cool people from Winder, Georgia. Byron was the man’s name. He helped me get around the airport when we got inbound. Got through customs and Immigration. No problem.

Found my bag. Harder than I thought. Lots of blue bags. One of my jobs when I get home will be to paint a gold stripe on my blue bag to make it easier to see.

Got a Coke and some delicious poundcake at Barretto at the airport, while I was waiting for my transport to Antigua. I was about an hour early for that.

Finally, a guy showed up to come and get me and Ann two girls from Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Turn out when there’s just a few people rather than the whole bus, they just take a taxi basically. That was great because it was easier to get out of town.

Traffic was bad but not horrible. But the fumes from all the cars were really bad. By the time we got out of Guatemala city, my head was hurting.

My taxi driver was named Orlando. He made three trips a day from the airport to Antigua. Super nice guy. Had had throat cancer. He seem to be OK now.  I spoke to him for over two hours in Spanish.

By the time we got Antigua, he was telling me how good my Spanish was, I appreciate that.

Got into Maya Papaya which is my hostel in Antigua. Tiny little room. At least it had a little fan. Unfortunately, the electrical outlet did not work. I had to modify my grounded zip strip. I had to break off the grounded plug. I hate to do stuff like that but you gotta do what you gotta do. I had two of those and so I was able to plug-in all the rest of my stuff.

The manager of Maia Papaya tonight was a guy named Dennis super super nice guy. He helped me find a wrench so I could break off the grounded plug on the zip strip. Managed to get all my stuff charging.

Dennis said I should try Copa de la Sopa. I got a veggie quesadilla there. Super good.

I’m looking forward to taking a shower and resting soon.

Guatemala is two hours behind the ATL. That should make me easier to get up in the morning and harder to stay up at night which is fine by me.

I tried to get WordPress to work but could not. No big deal. I’ll just write everything on the notes app. 

I can still upload different pictures every day which will be easy to insert.

A great start to the trip!

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