Whirlwind Missions

Friday, October 20, 2023

San Juan la Laguna! San Pedro! 10.3.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:46 pm  

Woke up early about 5:15 AM. I had a good nights sleep because I was using my headphones and had rain sound pumping out. I don’t know how other people do it because the dogs bark all night long and starting real super early the roosters start going. But I didn’t have a problem with either of those. 

StudIed for about an hour and then left my hotel and went to look for something to eat. It was still too early at 8 o’clock for places to be open. I did find a cup of coffee at La Pachamama a little restaurant/hostel thing. Decided to use that time till everything kinda woke up to get on a boat  taxi and come over to San Juan Laguna, which is the neighboring city to San Marcos. 

The town where most of the backpackers stay in is San Pedro. There are lots of different things to see and more bars and noise. 

San Juan where I’m at right 

now is right next to San Pedro. I had a funny conversation with two guys that were in front of me on the boat taxi.  I was talking with about which one was going to be the first stop, San Pedro, or San Juan.  One said it would be San Pedro and the other one San Juan was first. So they bet a breakfast on it.  Fortunately for me it was San Juan because that’s where I wanted to go.

I had a delicious breakfast at a place that had a fantastic view of Lake Atitlan. It was  their version of juevos rancheros. Also had a little slice of cheese, fried plantains, a little tiny bowl of rice, and a type of sour cream and three little corn tortillas. The tortillas here in Guatemala are much thicker and smaller than tortillas from Mexico.

My next stop was to visit a woman’s cooperative that made natural dyes and spun the cotton into different garments. She let me try to spin the thread from the raw cotton. Can’t say I was very good at that! It was still fun to try. She showed me every part of the process. How they made the colors was very interesting. Not only did they use leaves and bark but for one color they actually squished up these tiny little bugs. They made these red colors.

She showed me how they make the fabrics.  A small shawl would take that lady about 60 hours to complete. 

My next stop was to a chocolate making factory. I was shown what the cacao beans look like, how they did the fermentation, how they dried them and then got the seeds out. They crush the seeds up and when they do that, they start to really look and taste like chocolate. I had a taste of what the crushed up beans taste like. It was a pretty strong flavor sort of like dark chocolate. They then showed me all the different things they would add the chocolate to make different flavors.  It was really interesting.

The next part of my Safari was to climb up to the Lookout of San Juan. It was a pretty steep climb that took about 20 minutes. Just absolutely beautiful. The top of it I could see all the way around the lake and the mountains that were above you. Just incredible. I walked around the town trying to find a coffee factory never could find that. But I’ve taken tours in Kenya about coffee so I didn’t really have to see it. 

My next stop was in San Pedro. I took a Tuk Tuk over to San Pedro they cost me about $1.50. Saved me at least a 45 minute walk. I was already pretty tired.

My goal in San Pedro was to find out how much it cost to take a guide up to the top of the San Pedro volcano. It’s a four hour hike up a three hour hike down. Includes the guide, transportation and security for $50. Sounds pretty hard. I’d have to figure out food to take up because they don’t provide food or water. 

I would have to be at the San Marcos boat latch about 6:30 in the morning.  It’s not too early for me. I’d get out back to San Pedro around 7:00 AM or so then push off to the San Pedro Volcano. 

I had a vegetarian burrito at a place right on the lake and I’m here by myself. It’s called Los Colompios, which means “The Swings.” They have swings around their location. 

I just had a super fun chat with the grandgirls . I’ve been looking forward to that. 

In a moment I’ll head back to the dock so I can catch a boat back over to San Marcos. 

Just got back to San Marcos. I had a good late lunch early supper. It started raining again here. I got to my hotel just fine. I reckon I’ll just take a shower and rest the rest of the night. I don’t see megoing back out. It was a lot of walking miles and miles. And some really steep hills too.

Thanks for making the effort to let me talk to the girls, Ashley. I really appreciate that. Miss you all. Glad you’re feeling better K! I’ll be in touch real soon. I’ll send a link to all the pictures I took today.  

Ashley if or Miles have a chance I’d appreciate you letting them get to see some of the pictures so if they feel like they’re part of the trip too.

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