Whirlwind Missions

Monday, July 29, 2024

PE! Rob! Office! Newsletters! 7.29.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:15 pm  

Came in #2 on Duolingo last week.



Love my girls!

I dropped the newsletter off to be copied at FBC Doraville with our secretary.

The girls worked hard on their studies this morning. Especially Penelope. She reviewed the 2,3,4,5,6 tables today.

Everly showed me her drawings. I like her style.

Went to the church to pick up the copies of my newsletter. The girls helped me stuff the folded paper and take the stickers off to seal the envelope.

My buddy Rob Martin came up from Jonesboro to eat lunch with me and the grandgirls. Good time with warm discussions.

Cleaned and vacuumed my office.

Went to the Post Office to drop off the newsletters. The girls helped me put them in the slot. They insisted on doing it one envelope at a time. Ay, caramba.

Strong storms with a LOT of rain. Actually caused a whirlpool at the Plaza Fiesta parking lot.

Signed up for a zoom call with the Vice President tomorrow evening.

Good chat with my Mom.

Been raining a lot this Summer.

Loaded up the dogfood I bought for the raccoons in my sealed trash can.

Sewed a button on to one of my shirts. As I look at it now, I didn’t do a very good job. But it’s the bottom button. No one will notice.

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