I spent most of the day today with Dr. Jorge Gonzalez from Colombia and Dr. Mel Colon who is the director of the International Medical Clinic. I’m helping them get some focus groups together from the immigrant community to discover the needs in the community. Made calls to pastors to see if they could help with folks from their congregation. I spoke Spanish for about three hours straight. I understand about 85% of what I hear. I really enjoy working with languages.
Finished up about 95% of the apartment complexes for the Campus Crusade outreach on January first. So far I have about 63 set up. I’d still like to add about 7 but I need to do some research to decide which are the priority.
One day soon I’d like to be have 100 complexes where we can do work. With that number I could mobilized 1,000 people with team sizes of only 10. Definitely reachable. We’re only scratching the surface of what’s out there.
Went by Office Depot to pick up a tri-fold poster board for one of my kids at the mission. I took that over to Azalea along with a magazine of small business opportunities. I’d like for Bubba, Ernest and Jouvens to look through that. I’d wanted to buy these young men a water pressure washing system for about $300. But with the drought they can’t do it right now. Bahd luck.
Talked with a new friend working in Miami this afternoon. He and his wife have been working in the inner city there primarily with the Haitian community. The church where he works is really liberal–pushes the homosexual agenda. Some of his co-workers are actually athiests. His house just recently got broken into and now his wife feels totally unsafe. I’m encouraging them to come up to this area and plug in with our team. We’ll see what happens.
Lifted weights this morning.
Watched a gorgeous sunset. What do you think?
We just got back from eating Mexican food at El Torreros with my whole family and Miles–Ashley’s boyfriend. Always a good time with lively conversation. Jesse and I tend to argue too much, but even that can be fun.
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