Woke up this morning. Turned over to catch five more minutes and slept two more hours. I must really be tired.
Enjoyed some sun this morning.
And recorded two new podcasts! Fun! Today was episodes 98 and 99! That’s nearly 30 hours of listening to me talk. Woosh!
Here’s part of my recording rig!
You are AWESOME! This podcast is designed to make you even AWESOMER!
And perhaps my most important podcast to date!
“Change your costume!”
Tired of the old you? Create a new version! Powerful stuff, baby!
July 3rd is always important for me for one BIG reason: The Tour de France starts!
I realize that many of my friends think I’m loco for being a fan, but I love the first person video! It’s like you’re riding around the whole country of France on a bike. Ubergroovy!
K and I have enjoyed watching TV together this afternoon. Relaxing day!
I also ran 2 1/4 miles this afternoon. It was a hot day, but I still did it.
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