Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:02 pm  

After we got Jesse out of the Detention Center we took him out to eat Chinese food. He seemed to really enjoy it!
jesse outj2

Then we went over to Miles’ house to see him and Ashley. Jesse was SO glad to see them!

We dropped by Kathy’s sister Ann’s house so we could pick up some extra clothes for him and let him clean up a bit. We packed him a bag and then went over to Peachford Hospital. He is still acting kind of strange. I guess that’s why we need to get him some help. We got there about 8pm and it took us until after midnight before he was finally in the hospital system. I had to fill out a bunch more forms and we had an assessment by one of the counselors.

He had a rough night and the doctors had to give him some meds to help him relax. Today he was kind of woozy. I guess the tranquilizers had really kicked him. We got to visit him for about an hour this afternoon. The doctors seem really hopeful that they can help him with therapy and meds. But they said that it’s a long term issue like treating diabetes.

After we went to the hospital we went over to Perimeter Mall to shop for some clothes for Ashley. I enjoy shopping with her. I think it’s kind of fun to look at the different styles and fabrics. I reckon that I pick out at least half of what she brings home! You have to be pretty sure of your masculinity to admit something like that, eh?

I was super tired and fell asleep on the way home. No, I wasn’t driving!

First thing this morning I tried to look up some information on my new computer about schizophrenia and it was completely frozen up. Wouldn’t restart, couldn’t see the cursor, nothing. Bummer. I had to take it over to Best Buy for their Geek Squad to take a look at. I was pretty upset because I had been working for hours on this big video project and now would I have to start over? I ran four miles this evening and at the very end of my run I realized that I had saved all the project on my EXTERNAL hard drive! So once the computer is repaired all my information should be just fine. PTL! Of course I don’t know how long it’ll be until I get my computer back . . . but while it was running it was a dream to edit with! Pray that it’ll be repaired asap. I’m using one of the Lamb’s computers now. That’s one thing that Jesse really taught me. Most of my critical work is web based so I can do it from ANY computer, not just mine.

Later, I went over to Walmart to pick up some supplies we’ll need for the service projects for me team from Florida. We’ll start work in the morning, including repainting the old apartment we had at Huntington Ridge and cleaning up a park area at our new mission at Wynscape. They’ll be in town through Wednesday working at 6 apartment complexes. I have plenty to keep them busy!

Keep praying for Jesse’s healing. He has really been through the wringer. It looks like he’s lost at least ten pounds. We still don’t know what kind of med they were giving him in the jail.j bond

Love you guys!

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