Podcast! Mission!
Had a fun time this morning working on a podcast!
“Statue of a Lion! Man, this was a great podcast. Click on the title and get to feeling GOOD
Uploaded my newest sermon to YouTube!
I think it’s pretty good. My overwhelming humility keeps me from going on and on about it.
Helped the kids at the mission. It was packed as usual.
Also very happy to see the ESL classes starting again at Azalea. We’re hoping we’ll have a steady group of people come. Hope so.
Talked with our manager at Azalea about Jesse moving in at the mission. I think it’s going to be a good fit for him. Plenty of friends there to make him feel loved and needed. Don’t we all need that? She was super supportive and enthusiastic about him being there. I was glad about that!
We stopped by ATT to check on getting internet over there for him. He’s still taking classes on line and needs to have reliable internet. That’ll be set up next week.
Enjoyed watching TV with K this evening. Sometimes I’m amazed at the girly television I watch with my wife. I’m even more shocked when I find myself kind of liking it.
I liked this spiral staircase brass.
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