Brazilian! Pants! Family! Mission!
We had a fun day yesterday with the whole family! We went to Marietta to check out the coin show! I bought a few old coins for $10. Over 2,000 years old!
Went for Brazilian for lunch. I love that place! But my stomach didn’t. Had bad cramping for the rest of the day and evening. Bahd luck.
Went to the mall to pick up some new pants for Jesse. He’s looking good!
Rested in Chamblee before going to Roswell for a family get together for Chili. Not exactly what the doctor ordered for my sickish stomach! I felt fine today!
Enjoyed a fun morning today with my new friend Richard. We talked about neurology and hypnosis.
Went to the mission this afternoon to work with the kids. They didn’t have much homework because they’re testing. We gave a couple of our older kids some new computers. They loved them!
Got home and went on a 5 mile run. Felt good in the cool air.
Had fun watching TV with K this evening.
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