Thaw! Cleaning!
Milder temperatures today. The snow on St. Francis was nearly gone. I like the image of fading snow.
Spent almost the whole day cleaning.
The kind of cleaning where you get under and behind things.
The kind where you end up with bags and bags of garbage.
Why in the world do I keep all that stuff?
Cleaned the glass doors.
I’ve enjoyed going through Kevin Kelly’s new book Cool Tools. So much stuff, so little time. Here’s a few of the things I have ordered.
They’re changing the day of our trash pick up. Kind of a big deal. They’re picking it up Saturday (tomorrow) then regularly on Fridays. Used to be on Mondays. Clear?
I made a little package for Kevin Kelly. I’ve been corresponding with him over the last few months. I sent him the three items and then what they were in a sealed envelope. Can you tell what the three things are?
Unusual billboard. Guess it got censored.