KT! Rome! Azalea!
Kathy and I had a fun Valentines weekend in Rome, GA! Jesse gave us a good send off.
We’d never been there before.
Lots of fun stuff to do.
I’ve been a bird watcher for over forty years.
Seeing a Bald Eagle has definitely been on my bucket list! There is a breeding pair of eagles there on the campus of Berry College.
I’m a big fan of the “EagleCam” streaming live video from the top of a pine tree where the eagles have their nest! So K and I went to see the real nest. We were able to see the top of his head. Super cool.
Enjoyed biking. Lots of good trails in the area.
I also enjoy looking at the architecture.
Berry College had some interesting buildings.
Great food!
This guy reminded us of Kathy’s daddy, Bill Doverspike.
Beautiful clouds.
The clock tower really stood out as something special. It was at the very top of a hill.
We worked at Azalea this afternoon.
I also helped Adit start to learn how to ride a bicycle.
Training wheels came off.
J’s iPhone fell and cracked. Sad. We’ll get it taken care of tomorrow.
Lots of wild things to see this weekend.