Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

NAMB! Reboot!

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:21 pm  

Today Jesse and I took a ride up to Alpharetta for me to do a short presentation with the new candidates for the North American Mission Board.
This is always one of the highlights of my month.
They were a very enthusiastic group, as always!

I was supposed to be at another meeting for lunch with the property managers of Chamblee/Doraville.  Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to figure out how to be at two places at one time.  If you figure that out, send me the memo!  Glad to see my manager friends understood.

We went to check on the kids at Azalea.
They don’t really have any homework, so we just hang out there for a while and check to see that everyone is doing ok.  They’re always entertaining!

Picked up bills at my office at FBC Doraville.  It’s a weigh of life!

Then over to Huntington Creek to drop off a case for Ian’s new video camera.  I sure do love mine!

Final assignment was at Reboot, my partners that help with refurbishing computers for use at the mission.
They’ve made it possible for thousands of kids to have access to the internet and be able to print up their papers.  It was good to meet with their director and see how we can help each other even more in the future!
Then back to the house to start working on homework!

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