First Redeemer at Azalea Place!
Jesse and I went to Carniceria #1 to pick up a pinata for the party at Hamptons at Lenox.
We bought a bunch of candy to put inside it. While we were there, we saw Pedro Yanez, a buddy of mine that I’ve known for about ten years.
He used to live at Azalea. He had his wife and two little boys with him. It was great to see one of my kids doing well!
We went over to Azalea to help the team from First Redeemer host a block party. On the way over to the mission I told Jesse, “Looks like it’s going to pour down rain.” So when we got to the mission, first thing I did was have them move everything inside. Sure enough, about five minutes later it absolutely poured down.
We still had a great time with the kids. The team cooked hot dogs and had chips and ice cream for the kids. They had a terrific time!
After our outreach event at Azalea, Jesse and I went to Walmart to pick up some supplies for the mission then over to Hamptons at Lenox to take them the pinata! I’m sure they had a great time at that party too!
We also went over to Huntington Creek to check on Ian and Ruthie North.
Jesse had a CD for them and I wanted to pick up my video equipment that he’d been using. I got him his own camera to use now, so I’ll keep the old one at my house.
Came home and went for a 4 mile run with my sweet ol’ Sugar dawg.
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