Podcast! Yard! Mission!
New Verbal Surgery! Yeah, baby! I like this episode called, “iMotion!” How do you get yourself into action? Click on the title and find out!
I spent hours working in my yard today.
Picked up a ton of sticks.
Mowed my front and back yard. That’s 1/2 acre!
I tracked the mowing on RunKeeper. I pushed that mower 1.58 miles.
I found my lost camera! It had been outside about a year under leaves. I mowed over it.
The battery still works! SD card and camera, not so much. I still have it in my camera graveyard where I keep all the cameras that I’ve worn out.
Blew the driveway and street clean of debris.
Then added fertilizer to my new magnolia and gardenia plants.
Ate a quick lunch on the way to the mission.
Then worked with the kids. Hardly any homework. School is basically out.
On the way home I saw this.
Three other NoZe Brothers and I drove to Waco from Dallas in one of these. Good times.
Enjoyed watching SuperNanny with K.
We also started watching Lone Survivor.
Admin duties now.
We have a team in town tomorrow morning and Saturday.