Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Crown! P! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:36 pm  

Super cold morning.
It was down to 19 degrees last night. Yow! I’m extra careful to make sure and put out plenty of food for the birds and animals at times like these.
Up to the dentist bright and early. Time to get my permanent crown installed.

$750 for something no one ever sees. Sure feels better.

Everything went off without a hitch.

Rushed home to be with Penelope and Kathy.

That is one sweetheart baby!
I really enjoyed being in the rocking chair with her. I had forgotten how soothing that rocking motion can be! I know it was crashing me out!

I’ve really been trying to rest my voice.

It’s hard to do that and work with a bunch of loud mission kids. Believe it or not, the power was out at the mission, so I had a good excuse not to let a bunch of them in so they could just play games.

My voice is better. Please pray for my complete recovery.

Gassed up the car. Dig these prices!
Stopped to pick up some Chinese food on the way home. These big crabs were amazing.

Enjoyed watching Doc Martin with K. We’ve started the series over!

I’ve also enjoyed the show “100” on Netflix. It sort of reminds me of “Lord of the Flies.”

Last night, I had the top score in Battlefront: 21-2. If you’re not a gamer, you don’t know how impressive that is. Just sayin’.
Beautiful colors. This shot looks amazingly 3D to me.

This turned out pretty weird. It’s a slightly double image.


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