Delivered my financial report to my treasurer this morning.
Finished packing the DVDs for Crosspointe Church, Cherokee Courts and Olde Salem and put them in the mail.
Went to FBC Doraville to check on the mail and take care of regular business matters.
Ordered my Tres Leches (3 Milks) cake for the party this weekend. I’ll pick up the finished product on Friday and take it to FBC Mountain Park to put in their big fridge. Gonna be yummy! Not too late to come–blog people!
Had a good talk with Alex one of the new guys on our team. He’s getting married soon! They’ll be moving into their place soon in Stone Mountain–a lot closer to the work. He’s especially interested in working with Turkish people.
Talked with another partner of mine from Florida today. He was planning on bringing a team to help us over Memorial Day weekend. He just got fired, so not sure if that’ll happen or not. Puts some other plans of mine into jeopardy–particularly two outreach events that weekend that they were supposed to host. Not good. They still may come.
Went to help the kids at Azalea with their homework today. Multiplication of large numbers where you have to keep track of where the decimal point ends up. Remember how to do that? For instance: Multiply .00376 X 3.0087. Not as easy as it looks–unless you bring out the calculator!
Delivered the DVD I burned to Briarlake Village and told them about the team coming over Memorial Day. I actually have two teams–one, a very large (140 people!) from Mississippi. With the possible drop out of the Florida team plans are up in the air again.
I uploaded the Crosspointe Church video of the Outreach Event in Lawrenceville to our YouTube account:
Check it out!
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