Ashley, Penelope and I had a great time with our team from NY!
Launching Pad!
The Cape of Confidence.
Took them on Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.
“The First Shot of The Movie.”
The Globe!
Penelope plus cookie.
“The Red Ones make you stop and the Green Ones make you go.”
You can’t resist a line like that.
Shocking how many people thought they were learning something.
P Approved.
Nap time.
And Enigmas.
Always the weirdest stuff there. Rattlesnake rattles.
If I make a maracas out of rattlesnake rattles, would that be a rattlesnake rattle rattle?
Santa Muerta in a stunning green/gold combo. Go Bears!
Went to the Post Office to mail shirts off. We are getting out of the t shirt business. Too much hassle for tiny amount of money.
Then to Azalea. We got them on site then came home to work on Admin duties.