Whirlwind Missions

Monday, November 21, 2016

Podcast! P! Contacts!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:56 pm  

RECORDED this morning. WOOOT! It’s incredible just how much I love to hear myself talk.

In with the season, here’s “ThanksGifting!”

The art of saying Thank you. Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.
Link on Facebook.

Worked in my garden. Cleaned up the yard.

Watered some plants. Man. It’s been super dry.

Straightened out St. Francis.

Refilled my hummingbird feeders.
I know it’s hopelessly naive to think there are still hummingbirds in our area, but something keeps drinking the nectar. There are tales of migrating birds coming from up north on the way to Mexico.

Ate lunch with Ashley and Penelope. They are such a blessing to me. P cracks me up.

Came home to rest then go to the mission. There wasn’t any homework. The kids stayed outside and played 4 square. I found that delightful. Ash and I addressed envelopes.

I’ll stuff them tomorrow. Although I think we’ll actually mail them next week. We are still refining the method of creating partners. I think so far it’s best to email, follow up voice mail, hard copy promotional by snail mail. Always refining.

The kids helped Ashley and I pack in 20 chairs and 2 tables into Ashley’s truck. We brought them to my house.

Admin duties now.

This evening I spent over an hour with a map I just got of the Southeast. I love maps.

I love thinking the problem through and applying systematic effort. Over time, enormous work can be done when you are constantly doing. Doesn’t have to be that much, just constant. Every day.

I love coloring in maps. Thinking about distance to Atlanta, and hours to get here. Thinking about what can be offered. Different packages. Saturday. Weekend. 3 Day. 4 Day. Depending on the day range more sites and cultural experiences.

When I see maps, I see possibilities. Very large possibilities. So many good people out there who when they find out about us they’re going to love to work with us. Amen.

I guess with this rambling you can feel the excitement I have for this. The last few years have been so discouraging with the lack of help from local churches. The thought of systematically reaching out to teams across the SE. Sounds exciting and fun!


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